Flow Connect
This document will provide guidance on installing and configuring the Travel and Expense application package. The Travel and Expense App contains six separate applications.
Required Connectors/Services
Create Expense
IFS, Azure AI Document Intelligence*
Review Expenses
Confirm Expenses
Approve Expenses
IFS, Email
Emailed Receipts Service
Email, Azure Storage Account, Microsoft Graph, Azure AI Document Intelligence*
Emailed Receipts
IFS, Azure Storage Account
* Azure AI Document Intelligence(former Azure Form Recognizer) is only needed for automatically scanning receipts. If that functionality is not needed it can manually be removed from the app.
System and Version
IFS Applications
IFS Cloud 23R2
Novacura Flow Connect Hub
Novacura Flow Connect Designer
Connector Agent
Microsoft Azure Services
Azure Storage Account
If you plan to utilize the Email Receipts and Email Receipts Service, set up a storage account for Blob and Table storage, Set Up Azure Storage Account.
Azure AI Document Intelligence
If you plan to utilize the Create Expense - Scan Receipt functionality or Email Receipts and Email Receipts Service, set up a Azure AI Document Intelligence, Set Up Azure AI Document Intelligence. More information on Azure AI Document Intelligence pricing can be found here.
Microsoft Graph
If you plan to utilize the Email Receipts and Email Receipts Service, create an App Registration for reading emails and attachments in a unified inbox. The App Registration needs Mail.ReadWrite permissions to be able access the mailbox. Read more in the how-to guides Create App Registration and Limit Permissions to a Specific Mailbox.
Flow Connect Connectors
REST Connectors
IFS REST Connector
If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.
If you already have an IFS Cloud REST connector setup, you can skip this step and use the existing connector instead.
Used Projections in applications
Azure AI Document Intelligence REST connector
A REST Connector must be set up to utilize the Azure AI Document Intelligence(former Azure Form Recognizer).
If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.
If you already have an Azure AI Document Intelligence REST connector setup, you can skip this step and use the existing connector instead.
Create a new REST Connector named "Document Intelligence" (or similair) in Flow Connect Hub.
Select your Agent Group.
Set your Base URL to your endpoint.
Select "Api Key Credentials" as your Authentication Type.
Set your API Key Name to "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key".
Set your API Key Value.
Set Api Key Option to "Header".
(Optional) Set description for this connector.
Click "Save" button.
If you have other Flow Connect environments such as Test, QA, Prod you need to set the connector for each environment.
Azure Blob Storage REST Connector
A REST Connector must be set up to utilize the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage service. The blob storage is used for temporary storing emailed files until the user has handled the receipt i.e., turned into an expense.
If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.
If you already have an Azure Blob Storage REST connector setup, you can skip this step and use the existing connector instead.
Create a new REST Connector named "Blob Storage" (or similair) in Flow Connect Hub.
Select your Agent Group.
Set your Base URL to your endpoint.
Select "Api Key Credentials" as your Authentication Type.
Set your API Key Name to "sv".
Set your API Key Value.
Your Api Key Value must be in a specific format where the key "sv" must contain your whole Shared Access Signature (SAS) token.
More information can be found here: Azure Blob Storage
Example of SAS token where the first parameter is the "sv" key: 2023-11-03&sp=rwd&st=2025-03-11T00:00:00Z&se=2025-03-12T00:00:00Z&spr=https& sr=b&sig=abcd1234efgh5678ijklmnopqrstuvwx%3D
Set Api Key Option to "Query".
(Optional) Set description for this connector.
Click "Save" button.
If you have other Flow Connect environments such as Test, QA, Prod you need to set the connector for each environment.
Azure Table Storage REST Connector
A REST Connector must be set up to utilize the Microsoft Azure Table Storage service. The table storage is used for temporary storing information about emailed receipts.
If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.
If you already have an Azure Table Storage REST connector setup, you can skip this step and use the existing connector instead.
Create a new REST Connector named "Table Storage" (or similair) in Flow Connect Hub.
Select your Agent Group.
Set your Base URL to your endpoint.
Select "Api Key Credentials" as your Authentication Type.
Set your API Key Name to "sv".
Set your API Key Value.
Your Api Key Value must be in a specific format where the key "sv" must contain your whole Shared Access Signature (SAS) token.
More information can be found here: Azure Table Storage
Example of SAS token where the first parameter is the "sv" key: 2023-11-03&sp=rwd&st=2025-03-11T00:00:00Z&se=2025-03-12T00:00:00Z&spr=https& tn=mytable&sig=abcd1234efgh5678ijklmnopqrstuvwx%3D
Set Api Key Option to "Query".
(Optional) Set description for this connector.
Click "Save" button.
If you have other Flow Connect environments such as Test, QA, Prod you need to set the connector for each environment.
Microsoft Graph REST Connector
A REST Connector Project must be set up to utilize the Microsoft Graph API. The connector will be used to read messages and fetch attachments in the unified inbox for receipts.
If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.
If you already have an Microsoft Graph API REST connector setup, you can skip this step and use the existing connector instead.
Create a new REST Connector named "Microsoft Graph Expenses" (or similair) in Flow Connect Hub.
Select your Agent Group.
Set your Base URL to your endpoint.
Select "OAuth2-Client Credentials" as your Authentication Type.
Set your Token Endpoint.
Set your Client Id.
More information can be found here: App Registration
Set your Client Secret.
More information can be found here: App Registration
Set your Scopes.
(Optional) Set description for this connector.
Click "Save" button.
If you have other Flow Connect environments such as Test, QA, Prod you need to set the connector for each environment.
Email Connector
If you don't have a connector set up, you can see an example here.
Before installing the applications, it is required to create several variables within Novacura Flow Connect Hub.
Variable Name
Example Value
Document class for the expense report that will be added to the expense sheet header when the expense sheet is confirmed.
If something goes wrong in the app for receiving emailed receipts, the error message will be sent by email to this address. Multiple email addresses can be added as comma separated values.
Name of the container to be used in the blob storage for temporarily storing emailed receipt files.
The email address for the unified inbox receipts.
Include inline attachments in messages or not for emailed receipts.
Name of the table to be used in the Table Storage Service.
Name of the partition key to be used in the Table Storage Service. Every record in a table needs to have a partition key set.
Valid domain names for the emailed receipts. Only senders from the specified domains will be handled by the app. Messages from other domains will be deleted. Saved as a JSON array using "Domain" as key.
Make sure that you have created all connectors and variables before importing the application package.
1. Import Application Package
Import application package using your "share link" this will initiate an import wizard.
For details see Import Application Package
2. Setting User Groups
Together with the imported application package, you need to set up a user group. Add users to your user group, grant the user group access to the application package from the Application Package screen to make the applications available for your users.
For details see Create User Groups and Manage User Groups
3. Deploy Application
Within the Application Package screen, click on the button "Deployments" to go to the "deployment overview" screen. From here you can select which applications to deploy to your available environment.
The applications will now be available to execute on your chosen Flow Connect client. For instructions on individual Warehouse Management functions, please consult the function individual documentation provided separately.
For details see Deploy Application
Last updated
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