IFS Application 10
This document will provide guidance on installing Shop Floor Reporting in Studio and Portal 2.
All the roles, connectors, and flows of the Shop Floor Reporting solution must be imported before starting this Portal 2 process.
IFS Applications
Novacura Flow Server
Novacura Flow Studio
Novacura Flow Portal 2
Database, Table Operations
Flow Connectors
IFS Connector
If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.
Table Operation
If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.
Flow Properties
Before installing the workflows, it is required to create several Global Flow Properties within Novacura Flow Studio.
Flow Text Properties
Flow Property
Example Value
IFS environment application owner (Schema).
Make sure that you have created all connectors and Flow properties before importing the workflows.
1. Import Workflows
Import workflows in the file "Shop Floor Reporting.wap."
There are some workflows that have multiple IFS connectors, these should be mapped to the same IFS connector when the import is done. The different connectors are only used for demo purposes.
For details see Import Workflows
2. Setting Menu Roles
Together with the imported workflows there will also be a menu. Connect the menu to your roles to make them available for users.
For details see Setting Menu Roles
3. Publishing Workflows
Within the Server Contents Window right click on the folder and select “Publish.” This process can take a few minutes but once complete, a Publish Successful message will be displayed.
If you receive any errors during the publication of the workflow. Please review the error detail and consult your support contact with the relevant information.
The workflows will now be available to execute on your chosen Flow client. For instructions on individual shop floor reporting functions, please consult the function individual documentation provided separately.
For details see Publishing Workflows
In the downloaded .zip file, you can find a ShopFloorReporting.ptl file. You need to import the Portal Page to Portal 2 with this file.
4. Import Portal Page
Before Importing Portal Page, ensure your User has access to one of the roles configured on the Menu in the previous steps. If the you do not have access to this Menu, some workflows will not show up on the subsequent mapping process.
Log in to Portal with a user which has AdministerBasicData access level
Click the Edit mode to open the edit pane
Go to the Navigation tab
Click Import button
Find the ShopFloorReporting.ptl file, check all the mapped flows and click Import
Page import finished
Open the edit pane again, open the Roles list, and add a role to the Shop Floor Reporting page
Last updated