Start Warehouse Task


This flow can be used to start a warehouse task for logged-in user.

The complete overview of the flow:


Select Task

  • Select a warehouse task to start.

  • Tasks shown in this screen belongs to user’s default site and grouped by task priority. Also only the tasks in Released or Parked state are shown.

Pin Step:

  • Display the user default Site ID and its description

Task Info

  • Shows information about the selected warehouse task.

  • Click on the Next button to start the selected task and depending on the task type you will be directed to one of these flows.

Transport Task

Customer Order Pick List (TODO: change link)

Shop Order Pick List (TODO: change link)

Already Started Task

  • Only shown if the logged-in user already has a started task.

  • Click on the Next button to continue the selected task. depending on the task type you will be directed to one of these flows.

Transport Task

Customer Order Pick List (TODO: change link)

Shop Order Pick List (TODO: change link)

Last updated