
Flow Properties

Before installing the workflows, it is required to create several Global Flow Properties within Novacura Flow Studio.

Flow Text Properties

Flow Property
Example Value


Your IFS Cloud environment base URL use for the REST Connector

Azure Services

Microsoft Graph

Create an Azure App Registration for reading and editing Excel files. The App Registration needs the following API permissions to be able to access the Excel documents.

Privileged permissions



You will need to add additional permissions if you plan to utilize more functionality against the Graph API in other workflows.

Read more in the how-to guides Create App Registration.

  • Navigate to the registered Microsoft Graph application's Authentication page

  • Add ncflow://authenticate value to Mobile and desktop applications' Redirect URIs' list

  • Add value to Mobile and desktop application's ' Redirect URIs' list

The API's used in this connector are documented here.

Read more in the how-to guides Create App Registration.

Flow Connectors

REST Connector

IFS Cloud Rest Connector

This REST connector is used to gather object information directly from IFS, It uses this information to build the mapping tables within the app.

Create a new REST Service Connector named "IFS Cloud DataMigration" and import the configuration file "IFS23R1_Connector.ncrcp". For more information see Import a REST Configuration.

  • Enter Base Address as your IFS Base Url Address. eg:

Enter the Client ID, Client secret, and Realm as shown inside the Global Parameters for the REST connector from the Authentication setup above.

Microsoft Graph API

A REST Connector Project must be set up to utilize Microsoft Graph APIs.

Create a new REST Service Connector named "Microsoft Graph REST" and import the configuration file "Excel_Connector.ncrcp". For more information see Import a REST Configuration.

  • Enter a Base Address

  • Set up the parameters for OAuth2 authentication



To enable OAuth2 Authentication in REST connector

Access Token URLec

URL to get token


URL to authorize

Client ID


Client Secret


The application secret that you created in the app registration portal for your app. You shouldn't use the application secret in a native app or single page app because client_secrets stored on devices or web pages are not reliable.


For ID tokens, must be updated to include the ID token scopes - openid, and optionally profile and email.

Extra query parameters

{"login_hint": "", "prompt": "login"}

To add extra paramters if needed. It has to be in JSON format.

IFS OData Connector

If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.

If you already have an IFS Cloud OData connector setup, you can skip this step and use the existing connector instead.

Mandatory Projections

Projections Used






Make sure that you have created all connectors before importing the workflows.

1. Import Workflows

Import workflows in the file "Excel Connector.wap."

For details see Import Workflows

2. Setting Menu Roles

Together with the imported workflows, there will also be a menu. Connect the menu to your roles to make them available for users.

For details see Setting Menu Roles

3. Publishing Workflows

Within the Server Contents Window, right-click on the Excel Connector folder and select “Publish.” This process can take a few minutes but once complete, a Publish Successful message will be displayed.

Last updated

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