Process Handling Unit on Transport Task
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This flow(app) can be used to process Handling Units in a transport task.
The complete overview of the flow(app):
Transport Task ID is required.
Entered Transport Task ID is validated against transport task lines. Hence the Transport Task should have at least one task line,
In ’Created’ or ’Picked’ state.
Connected to a handling unit.
Outermost Handling Unit ID is not null.
From Site is set to user’s default site.
Click on the List button to see a list of Transport Tasks that satisfy the above conditions.
Pin Step:
Display the user default Site ID and its description
Flow Connect
Flow Classic
From Location No is required and validated against transport task lines filtered by the Transport Task ID entered in the previous step.
Click on the List button to see a list of From Location No’s used in transport task lines for the given Transport Task.
Flow Connect
Flow Classic
Handling Unit ID is required validated against transport task lines filtered by Transport Task ID & From Location No entered in the previous steps.
Click on the List button to see a list of handling units that satisfy the above condition.
Flow Connect
Flow Classic
From Location No is required and validated against transport task lines filtered by the Transport Task ID entered in the previous step.
Click on the List button to see a list of From Location No’s used in transport task lines for the given Transport Task.
Flow Connect
Flow Classic
Pick Action depends on the task line state.
If the task line is in the Created state it will show Pick, Execute.
If the task line is already in the Picked state it will show Unpick, Execute.
Click on the Save button to complete the process.
Flow Connect
Flow Classic