Modify Handling Unit


This flow can be used to modify a handling unit configuration which either connected or not connected to a shipment.

The complete overview of the flow:


Enter Shipment ID

  • Shipment ID is not mandatory. Any shipment belonging to the user default site can be entered

  • Click on the List button to see a list of shipments connected to the user default site

Pin Step:

  • Display the user default Site ID and its description

Enter Handling Unit ID

  • Enter the Handling Unit ID to be modified. The site of the handling unit should be either empty or the same as the user default site

  • If the Shipment ID is entered in the previous step, handling unit Shipment ID should match the same

  • Click on the List button to see a list of Handling Units that satisfy the above conditions

Enter Width/Height/Depth

These steps are optional.

Enter Gross Weight/Volume

These steps are optional.

Check Generate SSCC

  • This step is shown only if the selected Handling Unit’s Type is SSCC generation enabled

Check box selection is optional.

Enter SSCC

  • This step is optional and will be shown only if Generate SSCC option is Not used

Enter Alt Handling Unit Label

This step is optional.

This step is optional.

This step is optional.

  • This step is optional and is shown only if a Shipment ID is entered in the first step


  • Summary step. Click on the Save button to save the updated Handling Unit

Last updated