Receive By-Products


This workflow enables the user to receive by-products of a shop order into inventory. It is possible to receive single-handled or lot-handled parts defined in IFS Applications. User can also receive multiple by-products repetitively in a single user flow, changing different warehouse/stock attributes as required.

This user workflow is available within the Shop Order Operations portlet and is also available to be executed from the web and mobile clients.



  • The selected Operation should be connected to at least one By-Product.

  • The shop order must at least have the Released status.

Receive By-Products

  • Populate By-Products in the By-Product sub-tab in the Portal connected to a Shop Order Operation.

  • Select one of the By-Product and start the user flow - Receive By-Product.

  • Enter/Edit Quantity to Receive (defaulted to suggested value) and Location to be received (If the part is lot tracked, the user is enabled with Lot/Batch column to enter a lot No).

  • Enter Additional Miscellaneous stock information in the next step.

  • Thereafter, the user is allowed to either complete the receipt or continue receiving the remaining by-products.

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