Creation of Maintenance Surveys


This application is used to create maintenance surveys and to edit existing surveys. The application includes:

  • Creating new surveys

  • Add questions to the surveys

  • Update/edit questions of created surveys

  • Changing the status of surveys

The complete overview of the application:


Create new Maintenance Survey

On the first screen of the application, there's a drop-down list consisting of existing surveys which can be selected and edited. From here, it is also possible to create a new survey.

Select 'Create New' from the list to begin creating a new survey.

Survey Details

The next step contains several fields, some of which are mandatory to fill out.

The following fields are mandatory:

  • Survey Id

  • Survey Name

  • Description

  • Creation Date

  • Closing Date

  • Introduction Text

  • Ending Text

  • Workflow Type

  • Rank

The following fields are optional:

  • Show Introduction Text

  • Show Ending Text

  • Always Start New

  • Answer Once

  • Temp Save

  • Auto Save

  • Loop Survey

  • Loop Text

Checkboxes 'Loop Survey' and 'Answer Once' can not be selected together!

Checkboxes 'Always Start New' and 'Temp Save' can not be selected together!

When the fields are filled out, press 'Next' to proceeds to the next step of the application.

Create survey question - Question Type

A survey can contain a variety of different question types. The available types are:

  • Yes/No

  • Multi-choice

  • Numerical

  • Statement

  • Picture

  • Signature

  • Survey

  • Date

  • Time

  • Date/Time

Select the appropriate question type, and then press 'Next' to proceed.

Create survey question

Fill out the survey question and the fields that decides how the question should behave. Depending on which question type selected in the previous step, the fields may vary. Check the box 'Optional' if the question should be considered optional for the survey.

The survey question will be saved and added to the survey when 'Create Question' is pressed, and the application will proceed to the next step.

Create new survey, end the application, approve survey, or add additional question

Decide whether to create a new survey, end the application by clicking 'Menu', approve the survey, or add an additional question to the survey.

If 'Approve Survey' is chosen, this next screen will be shown and give the option to publish the survey, or to end the application by clicking 'Menu'.

Publishing the survey will end the application.

Update Maintenance Survey

In this application, two things can be updated on a survey which are:

  • State of survey

  • Survey questions

To update the questions of a survey, the survey needs to be in a 'Planned' state. Surveys in state 'Approved' or 'Published' can be changed to 'Planned', allowing the option to update their survey questions!

The colours of the surveys in the drop-down list signify which state it is in:

  • Purple = Approved

  • Yellow = Planned

  • Green = Published

On the first screen of the application, select which survey to update in the drop-down list. To find a specific survey easier, click on the magnifying glass icon to filter the list using, for example, the survey's Id or Description.

Update state of survey

  • If the selected survey is in state 'Approved', it is possible to set the state to 'Planned' or 'Published'.

  • If the selected survey is in state 'Planned', it is possible to set the state to 'Approved'.

  • If the selected survey is in state 'Published', it is possible to set the state to 'Planned'.

Update survey questions

Select one or more questions to update, and then press 'Next'.

On this screen, the user can now update the selected question. Press 'Update' when done to save the changes. The application will redirect back to the previous step.

Last updated