IFS Cloud

Installation Guide for Travel and Expense Cloud


This document will provide guidance on installing and configuring the Travel and Expense App.The Travel and Expense App contains 6 separate workflows.



Required Connectors/Services

Create Expense

IFS, File System, Azure Form Recognizer*

Review Expenses

IFS, File System

Confirm Expenses


Approve Expenses

IFS, Email

Emailed Receipts Service

Email, Azure Storage Account, Microsoft Graph, Azure Form Recognizer*

Emailed Receipts

IFS, File System, Azure Storage Account

System and Version



IFS Applications

IFS Cloud 23R1

Novacura Flow Server


Novacura Flow Studio



OData v2.1.23, File System, REST Service, Send E-Mail, Convert HTML To PDF

Microsoft Azure Services

Azure Storage Account

If you plan to utilize the Email Receipts and Email Receipts Service, set up a storage account for Blob and Table storage, Set Up Azure Storage Account.

Azure Form Recognizer

If you plan to utilize the Create Expense - Scan Receipt functionality or Email Receipts and Email Receipts Service, set up a Form Recognizer Cognitive Service, Set Up Form Recognizer. More information on Form Recognizer pricing can be found here.

Microsoft Graph

If you plan to utilize the Email Receipts and Email Receipts Service, create an App Registration for reading emails and attachments in a unified inbox. The App Registration needs Mail.ReadWrite permissions to be able access the mailbox. Read more in the how-to guides Create App Registration and Limit Permissions to a Specific Mailbox.

Flow Connectors

IFS OData Connector

If you do not have a connector set up, you can see an example here.

If you already have an IFS Cloud OData connector setup, you can skip this step and use the existing connector instead.

Used Projections in Workflows

Get User Defaults Cloud - Fragment
  • CompanyHandling

  • SitesPerUserHandling

  • UserHandling

Approve Expenses Cloud
  • CreditCardTransactionsHandling

  • EmployeesHandling

  • ExpenseSheetHandling

  • PersonHandling

Confirm Expenses Cloud
  • CreditCardTransactionsHandling

  • CurrencyRatesHandling

  • DocReferenceObjectAttachmentHandling

  • ExpenseSheetHandling

  • MediaItemsHandling

  • MediaItemHandling

  • TravelExpensesEmployeeHandling

Create Expense Cloud
  • CompanyHandling

  • CreditCardConfirgurationHandling

  • CreditCardTransactionHandling

  • CurrencyRatesHandling

  • ExpenseRuleHandling

  • TravelExpensesEmployeeHandling

Emailed Receipts Cloud
  • CompanyHandling

  • CurrencyRatesHandling

  • EmployeesHandling

  • ExpenseRuleHandling

  • ExpenseSheetHandling

  • TravelExpensesEmployeeHandling

Project Activity Cloud - Fragment
  • TravelExpensesEmployeeHandling

Remove Media Connections Or Delete Media File Cloud - Fragment
  • MediaItemHandling

  • MediaLibraryManagerHandling

Review Expenses Cloud
  • CreditCardTransactionsHandling

  • ExpenseSheetHandling

  • ProjectScopeAndScheduleHandling

  • TravelExpensesEmployeeHandling

  • WorkTaskHandling

Work Order LOV Cloud - Fragment
  • MaintenanceMaterialRequisitionHandling

File System Connector

If you don't have a connector set up, you can see an example here.

HTML to PDF Connector

If you don't have a connector set up, you can see an example here.

Email Connector

If you don't have a connector set up, you can see an example here.

REST Connectors

REST - Form Recognizer

A REST Connector Project must be set up to utilize the Microsoft Form Recognizer Cognitive Service.

Create a new REST Connector named "Microsoft Form Recognizer v3.0" and import the configuration file "Microsoft Form Recognizer v3.0.ncrcp", for more information see Import a REST Configuration.

  • After the connector has been imported, navigate to the connector Authentication and select “…” to the right of API Keys

  • Replace the apiKeyHeader and the apiKeyQuery with KEY 1 from your Microsoft Form Recognizer Cognitive Service

  • Select “Save” to save the API Keys

  • Select “Save” to save the REST Connector Configuration

REST - Azure Blob Storage

A REST Connector Project must be set up to utilize the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage Service. The blob storage is used for temporary storing emailed files until the user has handled the receipt i.e., turned into an expense.

Create a new REST Connector named "Azure Blob Storage" and import the configuration file "Azure Blob Storage.ncrcp", for more information see Import a REST Configuration.

  • After the connector has been imported, navigate to the connector Authentication and select “…” to the right of API Keys

  • Enter the information from your shared access key for your storage account

  • Select “Save” to save the API Keys

  • Select “Save” to save the REST Connector Configuration

  • Connector setup completed

REST Azure Table Storage

A REST Connector Project must be set up to utilize the Microsoft Azure Table Storage Service. The table storage is used for temporary storing information about emailed receipts.

Create a new REST Connector named "Azure Table Storage" and import the configuration file "Azure Table Storage.ncrcp", for more information see Import a REST Configuration

  • After the connector has been imported, navigate to the connector Authentication and select “…” to the right of API Keys

  • Enter the information from your shared access key in your storage account

  • Select “Save” to save the API Keys

  • Select “Save” to save the REST Connector Configuration

  • Connector setup completed

REST - Microsoft Graph

A REST Connector Project must be set up to utilize the Microsoft Graph API. The connector will be used to read messages and fetch attachments in the unified inbox for receipts.

Create a new REST Connector named "Microsoft Graph Expenses" and import the configuration file "Microsoft Graph Expense.ncrcp", for more information see Import a REST Configuration

  • After the connector has been imported, navigate to the connector Global parameters and select “…” to the right of Edit parameters.

  • Enter your Client ID and Client Secret from your application registration.

  • Enter the directory tenant that you want to request permission from. This can be in GUID or friendly name format.

  • Select “Save” to save the Global parameters

  • Select “Save” to save the REST Connector Configuration

  • Connector setup completed

Flow Properties

Before installing the workflows, it is required to create several Global Flow Properties within Novacura Flow Studio.

Flow Text Properties

Flow Property

Example Value




IFS environment application owner (Schema).



Base address for the temporary image of the receipt to be viewed by the Image Viewer User Step element.



Local server folder for image of the receipt to be viewed by the Image Viewer User Step element. Should be somewhere under the www root.



Document class for the expense report that will be added to the expense sheet header when the expense sheet is confirmed.



If something goes wrong in the background workflow for receiving emailed receipts, the error message will be sent by email to this address. Multiple email addresses can be added as comma separated values.



Name of the container to be used in the blob storage for temporarily storing emailed receipt files.



The email address for the unified inbox receipts.



Include inline attachments in messages or not for emailed receipts.



Name of the table to be used in the Table Storage Service.



Name of the partition key to be used in the Table Storage Service. Every record in a table needs to have a partition key set.

Flow Table Properties

Flow Property


Example Value




novacura.com novacura.se

Valid domain names for the emailed receipts. Only senders from the specified domains will be handled by the workflow. Messages from other domains will be deleted.


Make sure that you have created all connectors and Flow properties before importing the workflows.

1. Import Workflows

Import workflows in the file "Expense Reporting.wap".

There are some workflows that have multiple IFS connectors, these should be mapped to the same IFS connector when the import is done. The different connectors are only used for demo purposes.

For detilas see Import Workflows

2. Setting Menu Roles

Together with the imported workflows there will also be a menu. Connect the menu to your roles to make them available for users.

For details see Setting Menu Roles

3. Publishing Workflows

Within the Server Contents Window right click on the Expense Reporting folder and select “Publish”. This process can take a few minutes but once complete, a Publish Successful message will be displayed.

If you receive any errors during the publication of the workflow. Please review the error detail and consult your support contact with the relevant information.

The workflows will now be available to execute on your chosen Flow client. For instructions on individual Travel and Expense functions, please consult the function individual documentation provided separately.

For details see Publishing Workflows

Last updated

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