Invoice (Inbox)
The Invoice Workflow is used to generate Service Invoices.
It is also possible to send the Invoice as a PDF file via E-mail.
The complete overview of the flow:
Invoice - Inbox
The Invoice Inbox is used to generate Service Invoices.
The Inbox also shows how many Work Orders there are with Reported Tasks that can be invoiced via a counter.
In the Inbox, it is possible to sort and show the tasks by Date, Favorites, or Priority.
Create new Invoice
Select the Work Order you want to generate a Service Invoice for in the Inbox
Select Create New* to create a Service Invoice
Press [Next] to proceed to approval of the invoice.
Press [Back] to go back.
Approve Invoice
Select the Work Order you want to Approve a Service Invoice for in the Inbox
Select the Preview ID*
Press [Approve] to approve the Preview ID,
Press [Cancel] to go cancel the Preview ID,
Press [Back] to go back.
View/Email an Approved Invoice
Select the Work Order you want to Approve a Service Invoice for in the Inbox
Select the Preview ID*
Enter an E-mail* address if you want to send an E-mail with the generated PDF file
Press on the Invoice file if you want to view the generated Service Invoice
Press [Email] to send an E-mail
Press [Menu] to go back to the menu.
Example of Service Invoice:
* = Mandatory Field
Last updated