Receive Distribution Order
An overview of application used for receiving shipped goods sent from a consignor warehouse.
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An overview of application used for receiving shipped goods sent from a consignor warehouse.
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Different Search Options (allows a user to choose a way of searching for available Order Line(s)).
Search Detail - instantly fetches Order Line(s) through label scanning.
Search Bulk - fetches Order Line(s) through a high-level searching criteria.
Report Quantity/Catch Weight.
Support for Alias Numbers.
Support for Alternative Units of Measure.
Embedded Calculator function.
Adds/removes instantly scanned labels that counts quantities, catch weights, lot numbers and containers. You may edit scanned values.
Report Container
Pack Order Line(s) content to one or many containers.
Report Inhouse Package
Pack Order Line(s) content to one or many inhouse packages.
Use Split Package option to split the selected quantity according to item connect packaging.
Report Location
List locations based on Item Summary or System Directed Putaway.
Report Printing
Print Putaway Label (MWS450PF) for the reported order lines.
Automate screens.
By-pass list and report screens to accelerate the process steps.
Preview lines before reporting.
Use the following user step to define the Search Mode you wish to work with.
Default Search Mode
DETAIL = Detail Search mode is activated. BULK = Bulk Search Mode is activated. Default: Blank
Automates the Select Search Mode user step. When either DETAIL or BULK is chosen, the Select Search Mode screen is automated and by-passed.
Click NEXT to continue.
Click MENU to get back to the main menu.
Use the following user step to search for existing Order Line(s) by scanning their barcodes.
Default Warehouse
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Warehouse value. If the property is left empty, warehouse via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.
Default From Number of Days
Any numeric value. Default: 365
Defaults the number of days back in time used in distribution order line search.
Default To Number of Days
Any numeric value. Default: 365
Defaults the number of days forward in time used in distribution order line search.
Automate Search Order Line screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Search Balance ID (Detail) screen. Automation takes place when any first record is scanned into Order Lines list. If more than one record is identified with scanning, automation takes place after a record is chosen from Select Searched Order Line screen.
Order (if used)
Multi Data
A list of available Order Line(s) from predefined warehouse is preloaded in the background via MWSLWMMI.LstDOLine.
Select either Add or Remove option button to adjust the behaviour when value is scanned into Mutli Data text input field.
Scan inside the Multi Data input field to instantly retrive or remove an Order Line to/from the Order Lines list.
List aggregates scanned Order Line(s) so that quantitative data like catch weight and quantity is summed up.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
The input field supports Alias Numbers. Make sure a proper configuration in MMS025 Item.Connect Alias Number is secured.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When the scanned record refers to more than one hit, the Select Searched Order Line screen pops up. Tap one record to add it to the list. Example below shows a lot number 2304171003 that has been identified in the scanned string. The string, however, does not provide any information about the order number nor has it been selected via CHANGE option. Thus, the Select Searched Order Line pops up where the correct Order Line has to be chosen.
Click BACK to get back to Select Search Mode screen.
Click CHANGE to get to Change screen.
Click Warehouse to fetch a list of available warehouses.
List is fetched through MMS005MI.LstWarehouses.
Warehouse IDs and/or Warehouse Names are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on a warehouse to reload the list of Order Line(s) in the Search Order Line screen.
Click BACK to get back to Search Order Line screen.
Click Order Number to choose an order number.
Type in/scan an order inside the Order Number input field to apply a filter on a preloaded list.
Scanned Order Number will be prompted in the header. If another warehouse is selected, order number will be removed.
Confirm an empty value if a selected order number filter should be removed.
Click BACK to get back to Select Order Line screen.
Click LIST to fetch available order numbers in a selected warehouse.
Tap on an order number to apply a filter on a preloaded list in the Search Order Line screen.
Selected Order Number will be prompted in the header. If another warehouse is selected, order number will be removed.
Click BACK to get back to Select Order Line screen without a filter.
Click BACK to get back to Select Order Line screen.
Click NEXT to get to Select Order Line screen.
Use the following user step to search for existing Order Line(s) by using high-level searching criteria.
Default Warehouse
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Warehouse value. If the property is left empty, warehouse via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.
Default Sending Warehouse
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Auto-populates and defaults Warehouse value. Any alphanumeric value.
Default From Number of Days
Any numeric value. Default: 365
Defaults the number of days back in time used in distribution order line search.
Default To Number of Days
Any numeric value. Default: 365
Defaults the number of days forward in time used in distribution order line search.
Additional Input Fields
1 = From Warehouse. 2 = Order Number. 3 = Delivery Number. 4 = Lot Number. 5 = Container Number. 6 = Item Number. Default: 1;2;3;4;5;6
Shows additional input fields in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
From Date
To Date
From Warehouse
Order Number
Delivery Number
Lot Number
Container Number
Item Number
List is fetched in the background through MWSLWMMI.LstDOLine with a predefined warehouse.
Tap on From Date date input to set a from-transaction-date filter on a list.
365 days are set as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Tap on To Date date input to set a to-transaction-date filter on a list.
365 days are set as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Tap on From Warehouse list selection input to set a from-warehouse filter on a list.
List is aggregated on a warehouse level.
Warehouse IDs are used and can be filtered through.
Blank is set as default and can be be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Tap on Order Number list selection input to set an order filter on a list.
List is aggregated on an order level.
Order Numbers are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Delivery Number list selection input to set an order filter on a list.
List is aggregated on a delivery level.
Delivery Numbers are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Lot Number list selection input to set an order filter on a list.
List is aggregated on a lot number level.
Lot Numbers are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Container Number list selection input to set an order filter on a list.
List is aggregated on an container number level.
Container Numbers are used and can be filtered through.
Containers here consists of all alternatives, including 'inhouse packages' (alternative 7).
Tap on Item Number list selection input to set an item filter on a list.
List is aggregated on an item number level.
Item Number IDs and Item Names are used and can be filtered through.
Click BACK to get back to Select Search Mode screen.
Click CHANGE to change a Warehouse.
List is fetched through MMS005MI.LstWarehouses.
Tap on a warehouse in the list to select one.
Click BACK to get back to Search Balance ID screen without any change.
Click NEXT to get to Select Order Line screen.
If any list selection input above is used, it will be used as a filter in the following screen.
Use the following user step to choose the Order Line(s) You would wish to report.
Automate Select Order Line screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Select Order Line screen. Automation works only when only one record is available in the list.
Order / Line Number
Item Number
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number (if applicable)
Remaining / Scanned (if Detail Search used) Catch Weight
Order / Remaining / Scanned (if Detail Search used) Quantity
Multi Data
List shows the order lines with applied filters (if any) from Search Order Line (Bulk) or fetched via scanning from Search Order Line (Detail) screens.
Different user step elements have been used to display the data:
Data Grid - for wider screen sizes (Desktop Computers, Tablets, etc.)
Yellow shade of the row indicates the line has been partly received.
List Multi-Selection Input - for smaller screen sizes (Mobile Phones, Mobile Scanners, etc.)
Yellow dot next to the row indicates the line has been partly received.
Scan into the Multi Data text input to filter the list.
The text input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, the Report Quantity screen pops up with all identified data. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list. Example below shows an item number NC-P-BASIC been identified in the scanned string. Only records with that item number are shown. If 0000001344 order number was scanned on top of it, only one record would remain in the list and thus would get a user further to Report Quantity screen.
Click NEXT to get to Report Quantity screen.
Use the following screen to report the quantitative data.
Additional Input Fields
1 = Print Label. 2 = Close Line. Default: 1;2
Shows additional input fields in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Print Label
FALSE = Function is not active/not ticked. TRUE = Function is active/auto-ticked. Default: FALSE
Triggers the Report Printing step after the Report Location step.
Close Line
FALSE = Function is not active/not ticked. TRUE = Function is active/auto-ticked. Default: FALSE
Closes the distribution order line after the report.
Default Unit Of Measure
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Unit of Measure value. If the property is left empty, units of measure via MMS200MI.GetItmBasic is selected by default.
Default Catch Weight
Any numeric value. REM = Prompts a remaining catch weight value from selected order line. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Catch Weight value.
Default Quantity
Any numeric value. REM = Prompts a remaining quantity value from selected order line. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Quantity value.
Automate Report Quantity screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Quantity screen. Automation takes place only when Quantity and Catch Weight fields are filled in.
Selected Order Line
Order Number / Line
Item Number
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number (if applicable)
Remaining / Scanned (if Detail Search used) Catch Weight (if applicable)
Order / Remaining / Scanned (if Detail Search used) Quantity
Print Label
Close Line
Unit of Measure
Catch Weight
Tap on Print Label Check Box to trigger the Report Printing screen after the Report Location screen.
Putaway Label (MWS450PF) will be printed as an output.
FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on global/user level.
Tap on Close Line Check Box to flag complete the line after the report.
FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on global/user level.
Tap on Unit of Measure Menu Selection Input to select a unit of measure the quantity will be reported in.
A deault unit of measure comes from MMS200MI.GetItmBasic which can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Alternative units of measure list comes from MMS200MI.LstItmAltUnitMs.
Type in/scan the numeric catch weight value inside the Catch Weight Numeric Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
When Search Order Line (Detail) is used and quantitative data is part of the scanned strings, these values will override the defaults.
Type in/scan the numeric quantity value inside the Quantity Numeric Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
When Search Order Line (Detail) is used and quantitative data is part of the scanned strings, these values will override the defaults.
Click BACK to get back to Select Order Line screen.
Click CALCULATE to get to Calculate function.
Select either Add or Remove option button to adjust the behaviour when value is scanned into Mutli Data field.
Scan inside the Multi Data field to instantly retrive or remove the Order Line(s) to/from the Order Lines list.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
Click BACK to get back to Report Quantity screen without applying any changes.
Click EDIT to edit the quantitive data of the scanned items.
Tap on a record you wish to change.
Type in numeric values inside Catch Weight and/or Quantity fields.
Click DELETE RECORD to remove the record from the list.
Click ADD ROW to add a new record.
Click BACK to get back to Calculate screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Calculate screen with applied changes.
Click NEXT to get back to Report Quantity screen with applied changes.
Click NEXT to get to the following Report screen.
Use the following screen screen to report container data.
Default Container
Any alphanumeric value. LINE = Prompts a container value from selected order line. Default: LINE
Auto-populates and defaults Container value.
Automate Report Container screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Container screen. Automation takes place only when Container field is filled in.
Selected Order Line
Order Number / Line
Item Number
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number (if applicable)
Selected Quantity
Selected Catch Weight (if applicable) * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Type in/scan the container value inside the Container Text Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on global/user level.
*Multi value is used to indicate that more than one container number will be created. The value is prompted when creating Containers via Edit function or Report Multi Lines screen.
Click BACK to get back to Report Quantity screen.
Click EDIT to get into Edit function.
Tap on a record you wish to change.
Click <- to save the record.
Click DELETE RECORD to remove the record from the list.
Click ADD ROW to add a new record.
Click <- to save the record.
Click BACK to get back to Edit screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Edit screen with applied changes.
Click NEXT to get to Report Location screen.
Use the following screen to report inhouse package data.
Default Package Type
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Package Type value.
Default Package
Any alphanumeric value. LINE = Prompts a package value from selected order line. Default: LINE
Auto-populates and defaults Package value.
Additional Input Fields
1 = Split Package. Default: 1
Shows additional input fields in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Package Split
FALSE = Function is not active/not ticked. TRUE = Function is active/auto-ticked. Default: FALSE
Splits the Order Line's selected quantity into packages, according to the rules defined in MMS053. Connect Packaging. A check is made if any record exists for a given warehouse/transaction quantity/package type via MMS053MI.RtvQtyByItemPkg. If the defined quantity in the report line screen is not a multiplication of the Standard Quantity field value, the remaining quantity will be created as a separate package. Example: Defined Selected Qty: 93 PCE Defined Transaction Quantity in M3: 100 PCE Defined Standard Quantity in M3: 10 PCE Result: 10 packages (9x10 PCE + 1x3 PCE)
Automate Report Package screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Package screen. Automation takes place only when Package field is filled in.
Selected Order Line
Order Number / Line
Item Number
Lot Number (if applicable)
Package Number
Selected Quantity
Selected Catch Weight (if applicable) * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Package Type
Tap on Package Type Menu Selection Input to select a package type a package will be packaged into.
The package types come from MMS050MI.LstPackaging.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the container value inside the Package Text Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level. When left Blank, a package number can be automatically created. To define settings for packing in M3, read more under the following link:
*Multi value is used to indicate that more than one package number will be created. The value is prompted when creating Packages via Edit function or Report Multi Lines screen.
Click BACK to get back to Report Quantity screen.
Click EDIT to get into Edit function.
Tap on Package Split Check Box to split the chosen line(s) into several records once the NEXT button is clicked.
FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Tap on a record you wish to change.
Leave the Package field empty to let the system create a number for you.
Click <- to save the record.
Click DELETE RECORD to remove the record from the list.
Click ADD ROW to add a new record.
Click <- to save the record.
Click BACK to get back to Edit screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Edit screen with applied changes.
Click NEXT to get to Report Location screen.
Use the following screen screen to report a receipt location.
Default Location
Any alphanumeric value. LINE = Prompts a container value from selected order line. Default: LINE
Auto-populates and defaults Container value.
Default Locations List
BASIC = List comes from MMS010 Stock Location. Open. with selected Warehouse. SUM = List comes from MMS060MI. LstSumQty. with selected Warehouse and Item. SYS = List comes from MMS060MI.LstSumQty with selected Warehouse, Item and Quantity. Default:
Defaults the selection of the Locations List.
Screen to display after report
DETAIL = x;BULK = x. where x can be one of the 3 options: 0 = Select Search Mode. 1 = Search Order Line (DETAIL or BULK). 2 = Select Order Line (if nothing is remaining, then it should work as 1). 3 = Same Line (with reduced remaining quantity. If nothing is remaining, then it should work as 2). Default: DETAIL = 2;BULK = 2
Indicates which screen user should be forwarded to after the order line report. If 2 is used and any filter in Search Order Line screen is applied, the Select Order Line list with that filter is reloaded.
Automate Report Container screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Container screen. Automation takes place only when Container field is filled in.
Selected Order Line(s)
Order Number / Line
Item Number
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number (if applicable)
Selected Quantity
Selected Catch Weight (if applicable) * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Type in/scan the location value inside the Location Text Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Click BACK to get back to a previous Report screen.
Click LIST to Select List screen.
Click Basic to fetch a list of all locations in the selected warehouse.
Available for single and multi-receipt variants.
List comes from MMS010 Stock Location. Open.
Location IDs are used and can be filtered through.
Click EDIT to get into Edit function.
Tap on a record you wish to change.
Click <- to save the record.
Click ADD ROW to add a new record.
Click <- to save the record.
Click BACK to get back to Edit screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Edit screen with applied changes.
Click Item Summary to fetch a list of locations with selected Item number with summarized quantities.
Available for single-receipt variants.
List comes from MMS060MI.LstSumQty.
Location IDs are used and can be filtered through.
Click EDIT to get into Edit function.
Tap on a record you wish to change.
Click <- to save the record.
Click ADD ROW to add a new record.
Click <- to save the record.
Click BACK to get back to Edit screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Edit screen with applied changes.
Click System Directed to fetch a list of locations where selected quantity is distributed according to the system directed logic in M3.
Available for single-receipt variants.
List comes from MMS160MI.LstPutAwayLoc.
Location IDs are used and can be filtered through.
Click EDIT to get into Edit function.
Tap on a record you wish to change.
Click <- to save the record.
Click ADD ROW to add a new record.
Click <- to save the record.
Click BACK to get back to Edit screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Edit screen with applied changes.
Basic is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on global/user level.
Click NEXT to get to Report Printing or Confirm screen.
Use the following user step to adjust the label printout before receving the order line.
Additional Input Fields
1 = Printer. 2 = Number of Labels. 3 = Quantity per Label. Default: 1;2;3
Shows additional input fields in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Default Printer
Any alphanumeric value. Default:
Auto-populates and defaults Printer value.
Default Number of Labels
Any numeric value. Default:
Auto-populates and defaults Number of Labels value.
Default Quantity per Label
Any numeric value. Default:
Auto-populates and defaults Quantity per Label value.
Automate Report Printing screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Printing screen.
Selected Order Line
Order Number / Line
Item Number
Lot Number (if applicable)
Package Number (if applicable)
Selected Quantity
Selected Catch Weight (if applicable) * * MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Number of Labels
Quantity per Label
List of printers is fetched through CRS290MI.LstPrinters.
Tap on Printer Menu Selection Input to select a printer.
Printer IDs and Printer Names are used and can be filtered through.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the number of labels number inside the Number of Labels Numeric Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the quantity per label number inside the Quantity per Label Numeric Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Click BACK to get back to a previous Report screen.
Click NEXT to get to Confirm screen.
Use the following user step to do the final check before receiving order line.
Automate Confirm screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Confirm screen.
Order Line(s) to be received
Click BACK to get back to a previous Report screen.
Click RECEIVE to run (a) selected transaction(s).
The application comes back with an approve message that the Order Line has been created or updated.
You are redirected to the Select Order Line, Search Order Line (Detail) or Select Search Mode screen.