Putaway Purchase Order
An overview of application used for putting away received and quality inspected purchase orders.
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An overview of application used for putting away received and quality inspected purchase orders.
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Different Search modes (allow a user to choose a way of searching for available Receiving Numbers).
Search Bulk - gives an overall, high-level searching criteria.
Search Detail - focuses on already labelled products. Powered by multi-data capture standard, one might instantly fetch the receiving number by scanning the barcodes labelled on the received and/or quality inspected items.
Quantity/Catch Weight/Lot/Container/Package/Location multi-putaway option.
Process one or many line's report alternatives at the same time.
Support for alternative Units of Measure.
Choose to work with alternative U/M which instantly calculates the quantity into standard U/M based on items' conversion factor from M3.
Support for Alias Numbers.
Embedded Calculator function.
Adds/removes instantly scanned labels that counts quantities, catch weights and lot numbers. You may edit scanned values.
Lot Numbers
Catch Weight
Option to pack different lot numbers with chosen quantity
Preview created containers
Option to create inhouse packages.
Option to auto split quantities based on item connect packaging.
Option to pack different lot numbers with chosen quantity.
Preview created packages.
Option to list available locations based on current inventory or system-directed putaway logic.
Flag PO Line.
Print Putaway Label.
Preview lines before reporting.
Use the following choice to define the Search Mode you wish to work with.
Tap on Search Mode check box to select one.
Bulk Mode allows you to identify receiving number(s) using high-level search criteria.
Detail Mode allows you to identify receiving number(s) by scanning the existing barcodes.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Click NEXT button to continue.
Click MENU button to get back to the main menu.
Use Detail search to quickly identify Balance ID(s) by scanning the existing barcodes.
Additional data used for reporting, like quantity or catch weight will be remembered and auto-parsed inside the Report screens.
That function is a part of Search Mode screen.
Order Number
Receiving Number
Tap on Order Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS320 Purchase Order. Put away Goods so that only purchase orders and lines qualified for putaway are shown.
Order Number and Supplier ID are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Receiving Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS320 Purchase Order. Put away Goods so that only receiving numbers and assigned item numbers qualified for putaway are shown.
Receiving Number, Item ID and Item Name are used and can be filtered through.
Click CHANGE WAREHOUSE to select another warehouse.
Choose the Warehouse by selecting one from the drop-down menu.
List comes from MMS005 Warehouse. Open.
Click BACK to get back to Search Order / Receiving Number screen without any change.
Click NEXT to get back to Search Order / Receiving Number screen with a confirmed warehouse change.
Click BACK to get back to Search Mode screen.
Click NEXT to get to Search Balance ID screen.
Order Number
Receiving Number
Balance IDs
Scan the Multi-Data field to retrive the correct Balance ID.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When the scanned record refers to more than one hit, the Searched List screen pops up. Tap one record to add it to the list. Example below depicts 2 scanned barcodes of an identical Balance ID. Since neither Purchase Order nor Receiving Number has been indicated before, an exact searched Balance ID has to be chosen.
Click CHANGE ORDER NUMBER to add/change Order Number and/or Receiving Number.
It gets You back to Search Order / Receiving Number screen.
Click BACK to get back to Search Mode screen.
Click NEXT to get to Select Balance ID screen.
Use Bulk mode to retrive the receiving numbers using high-level search criteria. None of the editable input fields are mandatory. It's yet adviseable to use them to narrow down the search result.
That function is a part of Search Mode screen.
Order Number
Receiving Number
Tap on Supplier drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS320 Purchase Order. Put away Goods so that only suppliers of purchase orders qualified for put away are shown.
Supplier ID and Supplier Name are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Order Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS320 Purchase Order. Put away Goods so that only purchase orders and lines qualified for put away are shown.
Order Number and Supplier ID are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Receiving Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS320 Purchase Order. Put away Goods so that only receiving numbers and assigned item numbers qualified for put away are shown.
Receiving Number, Item ID and Item Name are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Location drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS320 Purchase Order. Put away Goods so that only locations with Balance IDs qualified for putaway are shown.
Location IDs are used and can be filtered through.
Click CHANGE WAREHOUSE to change Warehouse.
List comes from MMS005 Warehouse. Open.
Warehouse IDs and Warehouse Names are used and can be filtered through.
Click BACK to get back to Search Mode screen.
Click NEXT to get to Select Balance ID screen.
Yellow shadow of the row (in grid) or left frame (tile) indicates the line has been partly put away.
If the screen is preceded with Detail search, additional information is shown. This data is editable and auto-parsed inside the Report screens.
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item ID / Item Name
Lot Number
Container Number
Received / Remaining Quantity
Catch Weight (applicable only via Detail Search)
Putaway Quantity (applicable only via Detail Search)
Select one or many lines to proceed with put away.
Click EDIT button to adjust the added input data or delete a row (applicable only for Detail Search).
Select a row you want to edit.
Tap on Putaway Quantity/Catch Weight field to change the value.
Click DELETE ROW to delete a row.
Click NEXT or BACK to get back to Select Balance ID screen.
When NEXT is pressed, the edited changes will be saved.
Click BACK to get back to previous screen.
Click NEXT to proceed to Report screens.
The choice of Report Quantity / Catch Weight / Lot Number user step variant is done automatically, based on the M3 item characterstics.
The following variants of Report Quantity / Catch Weight / Lot Number user steps are available:
Report Quantity
Report Quantity / Lot Number
Report Quantity / Catch Weight / Lot Number
Example: If an item has the following characteristics:
Lot-Control (Lot Control Method: 3-In lot master; Lot Numbering Method: 6-Automatically, using YYMMDD plus a four-position long sequence number)
Catch Weight activated (Active or catch weight item: 2-Catch weight item inspected for both receipt and delivery)
The following user steps will activate:
Report Quantity / Catch Weight / Lot Number
Report Location
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item Number / Item Name
Received Quantity / On-Hand Quantity
Added Lines
Close Line
Lot Number
Lot Reference 1
Lot Reference 2
Catch Weight
Unit of Measure
Tap on Close Line tickbox to flag complete the line after the report.
0 is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Tap on Print tickbox to trigger the putaway label (MWS450PF) after the report of the line is finalized.
The tickbox will affect all created Balance ID(s).
If tapped and Report Container or Report Package are used after, the chosen print option will be defaulted in the following screens.
0 is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Type in/scan the Lot Number value.
Balance ID lot number qualified for putaway will be prompted by default (if applicable).
Type in/scan the Lot Reference 1 value.
Balance ID lot reference 1 value qualified for putaway will be prompted by default (if applicable).
Type in/scan the Lot Reference 2 value.
Balance ID lot reference 2 value qualified for putaway will be prompted by default (if applicable).
Type in/scan the numeric Catch Weight value.
If Detail Search has been used and catch weight has been scanned, the value will be prompted in the field.
Decimal place is checked against the Number of Decimal Places setting in MMS001 Item. Open. If it doesn't match, upon pressing NEXT, the application brings an error message.
Select Unit of Measure from the drop-down menu.
By default, the unit of measure comes from MMS001 Item. Open.
Alternative units of measure comes from MMS015 Item. Connect Alternative U/M.
Type in/scan the numeric Quantity value.
Balance ID quantity qualified for putaway will be prompted by default.
If Detail Search has been used and quantity has been scanned, the scanned value will be prompted.
If typed-in quantity exceeds the on-hand's quantity, the application brings a warning message.
Click CALCULATOR to trigger Calculator function.
Scan value into Add field to capture multi-data barcode.
Multi-Data value will be added instantly.
TOTAL record summarizes all the quantitative data.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
Click EDIT to get to edit mode.
Tap on any existing or added value to edit it.
Click top-left corner arrow to save eddited changes.
Click DELETE ROW to manually delete a row and its properties.
Click ADD ROW to manually add a row and its properties.
Click NEXT to retrieve the aggregared added lines to the main report screen.
Click BACK to come back to previous step without saving the edit.
Click NEXT to proceed with reporting.
Click BACK to get back to Select Order Line screen.
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item Number / Item Name
Reported Quantity / On-hand Quantity / Putaway Quantity
Added Lines
Container Print
Number of Labels
Container Number
Tap on the Container Print tickbox to trigger the putaway label (MWS450PF) after the report of the line is finalized.
The tickbox will affect all created containers.
0 is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Select a desired line in the Added Lines grid
Single or multi selection is available. With multi-selection, selected lines will be packaged inside the same container.
If a container already existed, You may adjust the quantity/catch weight of the packaged Balance ID.
If you define less quantity that was originally packaged, upon pressing NEXT, additionally a new container will be created.
Check result in OVERVIEW list.
Type in/scan the numeric Number of Labels value.
1 is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Type in/scan the Container Number value.
If left blank and Balance ID container number already exists, the application will keep it for reporting.
If an existing Balance ID container is deleted, the application will create (a) new container number(s) and thus will replace the existing one upon pressing NEXT button.
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item Number / Item Name
Reported Quantity / On-hand Quantity / Putaway Quantity
Added Lines
Package Split
Package Print
Number of Labels
Package Number
Package Type
Tap on the Package Split tickbox to split the chosen line(s) into several records once the NEXT button is clicked.
The application checks if any record exists for a given warehouse/transaction quantity/package type combination in MMS053 Item. Connect Packaging.
If a record exists, the application splits the goods according to the value in the Standard Quantity field. Otherwise, the application brings an error message.
If a package exists already, upon pressing NEXT, it will be replaced by newly defined package(s).
If the defined quantity in the report line screen is not a multiplication of the Standard Quantity field value, the remaining quantity will be created as a separate package. Example: Defined Putaway Quantity in the Added Lines record: 100 PCE Defined Transaction Quantity in M3: 100 PCE Defined Standard Quantity in M3: 10 PCE Result: 10 packages (9x10 PCE + 1x3 PCE)
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
0 is assigned as default.
Tap on the Package Print tickbox to trigger the putaway label (MWS450PF) after the report of the line is finalized.
The tickbox will affect all created packages.
0 is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Select a desired line in the Added Lines grid
Single or multi selection is available. With multi-selection, selected lines will be packaged inside the same package.
If a package already existed, You may adjust the package/quantity/catch weight of the packaged Balance ID.
If you define less quantity that was originally packaged, upon pressing NEXT, additionally a new package will be created.
If you define more quantity that was previously indicated, an error message will show up upon pressing NEXT button.
Check result in OVERVIEW list.
Type in/scan the numeric Number of Labels value.
1 is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Type in/scan the Package Number value.
If left blank and Balance ID package number already exists, the application will keep it for reporting.
If an existing Balance ID package is deleted or a Package Split is used, the application will create (a) new package number(s) automatically into MMS470 Packages in Stock. Open and thus will replace the existing one upon pressing NEXT button.
Tap on Package Type drop-down menu to select one.
A list of package ID and Name comes MMS050 Packaging. Open
Package ID and Package Name are used and can be filtered through.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Click OVERVIEW to check the existing or created packages.
Click NEXT to proceed with reporting.
Button NEXT will reloop the screen as long as there's a remaining quantity to pack.
Click BACK to get back to previous Report Line screen.
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item Number / Item Name
Received Quantity / On-hand Quantity / Putaway Quantity
Added Lines
Type in/scan Location value.
Default value comes from PPS320 Purchase Order. Put away Goods.
Default value can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Tap on Added Lines drop-down menu to select a desired Balance ID.
Single or multi selection is available. With multi-selection, Balance IDs will be put away in the same location.
Yellow dot indicates that no location has been assigned to a Balance ID.
Green dot indicates that location has been assigned to a Balance ID.
Click LIST to browse through the list of available locations.
The search modes are available:
System-Directed - retrieves a list of available locations from MMS160 Location. Select.
Balance IDs - retrives an aggregated list of balance IDs per location from MWS068 Balance Identity. Open Toolbox.
Click BACK to get back to previous Report Line screen.
Click NEXT to putaway the Balance ID(s).
The application comes back with approve message that the Balance ID(s) has/have been putaway.
If there are no more lines to report, You are redirected to the main menu.
If you have an activated Report Confirmation property, you might preview the formed Balance ID(s) in the Confirm user step that will be used for put away.