Inspect Purchase Order
An overview of application used for registering quality inspection of purchase orders.
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An overview of application used for registering quality inspection of purchase orders.
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Different Search modes (allow a user to choose a way of searching for available Receiving Numbers).
Search Bulk - gives an overall, high-level searching criteria.
Search Detail - focuses on already labelled products. Powered by multi-data capture standard, one might instantly fetch the receiving number by scanning the barcodes labelled on the received items.
Support for Alias Numbers.
Quantity Approved and Rejected
Remark Approved and Rejected
Reject Reason
Text Block
File Upload
Option to upload a file (ex. picture) either from device's libray or camera.
Assign one or many e-mail addresses to post the file and text from the Text Block
Flag PO Line.
Preview lines before reporting.
Use the following choice to define the Search Mode you wish to work with.
Tap on Search Mode check box to select one.
Bulk Mode allows you to identify receiving number(s) using high-level search criteria.
Detail Mode allows you to identify receiving number(s) by scanning the existing barcodes.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Click NEXT button to continue.
Click MENU button to get back to the main menu.
Use Detail search to quickly identify Balance ID(s) by scanning the existing barcodes.
Additional data used for reporting, like quantity will be remembered and auto-parsed inside the Report Quantity screen.
That function is a part of Search Mode screen.
Order Number
Receiving Number
Tap on Order Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS310 Purchase Order. Inspect Goods so that only purchase orders and lines qualified for quality inspection are shown.
Order Number and Supplier ID are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Receiving Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS310 Purchase Order. Inspect Goods so that only receiving numbers and assigned item numbers qualified for quality inspection are shown.
Receiving Number, Item ID and Item Name are used and can be filtered through.
Click CHANGE WAREHOUSE to select another warehouse.
Choose the Warehouse by selecting one from the drop-down menu.
List comes from MMS005 Warehouse. Open.
Click BACK to get back to Search Order / Receiving Number screen without any change.
Click NEXT to get back to Search Order / Receiving Number screen with a confirmed warehouse change.
Click BACK to get back to Search Mode screen.
Click NEXT to get to Search Balance ID screen.
Order Number
Receiving Number
Balance IDs
Scan the Multi-Data field to retrive the correct purchase order line
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When the scanned record refers to more than one hit, the Searched List screen pops up. Tap one record to add it to the list. Example below depicts 2 scanned barcodes of an identical Balance ID. Since neither Purchase Order nor Receiving Number has been indicated before, an exact searched Balance ID has to be chosen.
Click CHANGE ORDER NUMBER to add/change Order Number and/or Receiving Number.
It gets You back to Search Order / Receiving Number screen.
Click BACK to get back to Search Mode screen.
Click NEXT to get to Select Balance ID screen.
Use Bulk mode to retrive the receiving numbers using high-level search criteria. None of the editable input fields are mandatory. It's yet adviseable to use them to narrow down the search result.
That function is a part of Search Mode screen.
Order Number
Receiving Number
Tap on Supplier drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS310 Purchase Order. Inspect Goods so that only suppliers of purchase orders qualified for quality inspection are shown.
Supplier ID and Supplier Name are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Order Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS310 Purchase Order. Inspect Goods so that only purchase orders and lines qualified for quality inspection are shown.
Order Number and Supplier ID are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Receiving Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS310 Purchase Order. Inspect Goods so that only receiving numbers and assigned item numbers qualified for quality inspection are shown.
Receiving Number, Item ID and Item Name are used and can be filtered through.
Tap on Location drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on PPS310 Purchase Order. Inspect Goods so that only locations with Balance IDs qualified for quality inspection are shown.
Location IDs are used and can be filtered through.
Yellow shadow of the row (in grid) or left frame (tile) indicates the line has been partly inspected.
If the screen is preceded with Detail search, additional information is shown. This data is editable and auto-parsed inside the Report Quantity screen.
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item ID / Item Name
Lot Number
Container Number
Received / Inspected / Remaining Quantity
Scanned Quantity (applicable only for Detail Search)
Select one or many lines to proceed with inspection.
Click EDIT button to adjust the added input data or delete a row (applicable only for Detail Search).
Select a row you want to edit.
Tap on Scanned Quantity field to change the value.
Click DELETE ROW to delete a row.
Click NEXT or BACK to get back to Select Order Line screen.
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item Number / Item Name
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number (if applicable)
Received Quantity / Remaining Quantity
Close Line
Approved Quantity
Approved Remark
Rejected Quantity
Rejected Remark
Rejected Reason
Tap on Close Line tickbox to flag complete the line after the report.
0 is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Type in/scan the Approved Quantity numeric value.
When Detail Search is used, You may assign a scanned quantity to become an approved quantity.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Type in/scan the Approved Remark value.
Type in/scan the Rejected Quantity numeric value.
When Detail Search is used, You may assign a scanned quantity to become a rejected quantity.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Type in/scan the Rejected Remark value.
Tap on Rejected Reason drop-down menu to select one.
List comes from CRS090 Rejection Reason. Open.
Reason ID and Reason Description are used and can be filtered through.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Report Extended Quality screen is triggered when any negative quantity has been reported in previous step.
You may upload a document (ex. a picture) and add a longer comment which can be saved in M3 for statistics. Both can be forwarded to chosen email address(es).
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item Number / Item Name
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number (if applicable)
Remaining Quantity / To Approve / To Reject
File Upload
Click Add File to upload a document, either from device's library or captured instantly using device's camera.
Type in Text.
Text is stored in MSYTXH and MSYTXL tables and managed by CRS980MI (Text blocks interface).
Order Number / Line / Subline
Receiving Number
Item Number / Item Name
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number (if applicable)
Remaining Quantity / To Approve / To Reject
Approved Location
Rejected Location
Tap on Approved Location to select one.
List comes from MMS010 Stock Location. Open.
Locations are filtered based on the Status Proposal field and thus only 1 - Under Inspection locations are available in the drop-down menu.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Tap on Rejected Location to select one.
List comes from MMS010 Stock Location. Open.
Locations are filtered based on the Status Proposal field and thus only 3 - Rejected locations are available in the drop-down menu.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the global properties on user/app level.
Click BACK to get back to Report Quantity or Report Extended Quality screen.
Click NEXT to quality inspect the Balance ID.
Button NEXT will reloop the report screens with other Balance IDs as long as more than one has been selected.
If there are no more Balance IDs to report, You are redirected to the main menu.
If you have an activated Report Confirmation property, you might preview the formed lines in the Report user steps that will be used for quality inspection.
The application comes back with approve message that the line(s) has/have been inspected.