Count Stock (Classic)
An overview of application used for counting inventory.
Last updated
An overview of application used for counting inventory.
Last updated
Bulk Search mode.
Allows a user to look for available Inventory Count lists, using high-level searching criteria.
Report Quantity and Catch Weight of the counted line.
Support for alternative Units of Measure.
Choose to work with alternative U/M which instantly calculates the quantity into standard U/M based on items' conversion factor from M3.
Support for Alias Numbers.
Embedded Calculator function.
Counts instantly scanned quantitive data. You may edit or remove them as well as add completely new ones.
Add new lines to an existing physical inventory count.
Use Search Inventory Count screen to adjust the searching criteria for Inventory Count lists.
Any Numeric Value Default: 0
Sets From Date with a date that is a combination of today's date + given value.
Any Numeric Value Default: 0
Sets To Date with a date that is a combination of today's date + given value.
From Date
To Date
Physical Inventory Number
Tap on From Date and/or To Date to set from and to planned physical inventory dates.
Blanks are assigned as defaults.
Defaults can be changed in the environment properties on user/app level.
If any dates are changed, a reload of the Physical Inventory Numbers will take place.
Tap on Physical Inventory Number drop-down menu to select one.
List is seggregated based on MMS300 Physical Inventory. Perform so that only active stock count lists for the indicated warehouse are shown. For more information how to create Physical Inventory Counting, take a look at the following link:
Physical Inventory Numbers are used and can be filtered through.
Lines' quantity indicates the number of remaining inventory lines, pending to be counted.
Click CHANGE WAREHOUSE to change the warehouse
Tap on Warehouse in the list to select one.
List comes from MMS005 Warehouse. Open.
Warehouse IDs or Warehouse Names are used and can be filtered through.
If another warehouse is selected, a reload of the Physical Inventory Numbers will take place.
Click BACK to get back to Search Inventory Count screen without any change.
Click NEXT to get back to Search Inventory Count screen with a confirmed warehouse change.
Click MENU to get back to the main menu.
Click NEXT to get to Select Inventory Count screen.
If a Physical Inventory Number is selected from the drop-down menu, You will be sent directly to Select Inventory Count Line screen.
Use Select Inventory Count screen to choose the Inventory Count You would wish to process.
Stock Count
Tap on Stock Count to select a physical inventory count.
Upon selection, a NEXT button will be automatically triggered.
Click BACK to get back to Search Inventory Count screen.
Use Select Inventory Count Line screen to choose the Inventory Count You would wish to report.
<BLANK> or FALSE = No On Hand Quantity is shown. TRUE = On Hand Quantity is shown.
Default: <BLANK>
Shows an On Hand Quantity value inside On-Hand Qty column. Shows an On Hand Quantity value inside Quantity label in the Report Quantity screen.
<BLANK> or FALSE = No On Hand Catch Weight is shown. TRUE = On Hand Catch Weight is shown.
Default: <BLANK>
Shows an On Hand Quantity value inside Catch Weight column. Shows an On Hand Quantity value inside Catch Weight label in the Report Quantity screen.
Inventory Count (Number of remaining lines to be counted)
Location (if selected)
Multi Data
Inventory Lines
Scan the Multi-Data field to retrive the correct Balance ID.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When the scanned record refers to an unique record, the Report Quantity screen pops up with all identified data. When more than one hit is identified, only identified records remain in the list. Picture below shows a container number 312345610511086925 been identified in the scanned string. Since it's an unique value in the Inventory Lines list, the record is automatically selected and Report Quantity step is initiated.
Tap on one or more record(s) from the Inventory Lines list and press NEXT to proceed with in the reporting step.
Balance On-Hand quantitive data can be shown in Catch Weight and/or On-Hand Qty columns as default.
Defaults can be changed in the environment properties on user/app level.
Click CHANGE LOCATION to assign a new or change the selected location.
Type in/scan a location to assign one and thus filter the counted inventory list.
If a location is scanned that is not included in the Inventory Count, an error will pop-up.
If a BLANK value is parsed and confirmed, it will clear the already selected location.
Click BACK to get back to Search Inventory Count Line screen without any change.
Click NEXT to get to Select Inventory Count Line screen with a confirmed location change.
Click LIST to get a list of available locations.
List is seggregated based on MMS301 Physical Inventory. Report so that only locations within the selected Inventory Count are shown.
Location IDs are used and can be filtered through.
If a BLANK value is chosen and confirmed, it will clear the already selected location.
Click BACK to get back to Search Location screen.
Click NEXT to get to Select Inventory Count Line screen with a confirmed location change.
Once the location is assigned, the selected Inventory Count is filtered so that only Physical Inventory Lines with the selected location are shown.
If the last line from the location is reported, it is cleared out automatically so that all remaining lines are shown.
Click ADD LINE to add a new line to an exisitng Inventory Count.
The list is aggregated on the Balance ID level.
Scan the multi-data value into Add field to add it instantly to the list.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
Click EDIT to edit the data of the scanned items or add a new record.
The list is ordered by the Balance ID.
Tap on a record you wish to change.
Select Item Number and Location from the drop-down menu. These are selected from the warehouse the Inventory Count has been created in. Type in numeric values inside New Catch Weight and/or New Quantity fields and alphanumeric values inside Lot Number and Container fields.
Click DELETE RECORD to remove the record from the list.
Click ADD ROW to add a new record.
Select Item Number and Location from the drop-down menu. These are selected from the warehouse the Inventory Count has been created in. Type in numeric values inside New Catch Weight and/or New Quantity fields and alphanumeric values inside Lot Number and Container fields.
Click BACK to get back to Add Line screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Add Line screen with applied changes.
Click CHANGE LOCATION to change the selected location.
Type in/scan a location to assign one.
Click LIST to get a list of available locations.
List comes from MMS010 Stock Location. Open.
Location IDs are used and can be filtered through.
Click BACK to get back to Search Location screen.
Click NEXT to get to Add Line screen with a confirmed location change.
Click BACK to get back to Add Line screen without any change.
Click NEXT to get to Add Line screen with a confirmed location change.
Once the location is assigned, the added Balance ID(s) are automatically assigned with the chosen location.
Click BACK to get back to Select Inventory Count Line screen.
Click NEXT to add and report the aggregated Balance IDs into the selected Inventory Count.
Use Report Quantity screen to report the physical inventory result.
Any alphanumeric value.
Default: <BLANK>
Auto-populates and defaults Unit of Measure value.
<BLANK> or FALSE = No On Hand Quantity is prompted. TRUE = On Hand Quantity is prompted.
Default: <BLANK>
Prompts an On Hand Quantity value inside Quantity field.
<BLANK> or FALSE = No On Hand Catch Weight is prompted. TRUE = On Hand Catch Weight is prompted.
Default: <BLANK>
Prompts an On Hand Catch Weight value inside Catch Weight field.
1 = On-hand balance of the balance identity when marked/requested for inventory
2 = Current on-hand balance of the balance identity
3 = On-hand balance of the balance identity during date reported for inventory.
Default: 2
Indicates and defaults which balance is to be compared to the reported quantity when calculating differences.
Item Number (Item Name)
Location / Lot Number - if applicable / Container - if applicable
Catch Weight (On-hand Catch Weight) - if applicable
Unit of Measure
Quantity (On-hand Quantity)
Tap on Unit of Measure drop-down menu to select one.
Standard U/M that comes from MMS001 Item. Open and is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the environment properties on user/app level.
Alternative units of measure come from MMS015 Item. Connect Alternative U/M.
Unit of Measure IDs are used and can be filtered through.
Type in/scan the numeric Catch Weight value.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the environment properties on user/app level.
Type in/scan the numeric Quantity value.
Blank is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the environment properties on user/app level.
If Blank or '0' is set as input, 0 will be reported for that particular line.
Click CALCULATOR to trigger calculator function.
Scan the multi-data value into Add field to add it instantly to the list.
TOTAL record summarizes all the quantitative data.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
Click EDIT to edit the quantitive data of the scanned items.
Tap on a record you wish to change.
Type in numeric values inside New Catch Weight and/or New Quantity fields.
Click DELETE RECORD to remove the record from the list.
Click ADD ROW to add a new record.
Click BACK to get back to Calculator screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Calculator screen with applied changes.
Click BACK to get back to Report Quantity screen without any changes being saved.
Click NEXT to get back to Report Quantity screen with applied changes.
Click BACK to get back to Select Inventory Count Line screen.
Click NEXT to report the physical inventory result.
Current on-hand balance of the balance identity is compared and is assigned as default.
Default can be changed in the environment properties on user/app level.
If a line is reported, user comes back to the updated list of remaining lines to be counted, as long as they exist. Otherwise, user is moved back to the main Menu.