Report Operation
An overview of a workflow used for reporting operation data for manufacturing orders.
Different Options.
Report Setup Time - enables to report Setup Time and related data.
Report Run Time - enables to report Run Time and related data.
Report Setup and Run Time - enables to report Setup and Run Time as well as related data.
Report Setup and Run Time.
Indicate the used time for labor and machine setup and run.
Indicate potential distrurbances
Report Quantity.
Indicate work in progress quantity.
Support for Alternative Units of Measure.
Indicate scrap quantity and reason
Indicate deviations.
Report Details
Indicate personnel information.
Indicate additional operational data.
Automate screens.
By-pass list and report screens to accelerate the process steps.
Preview lines before reporting.
Used APIs
Used Environment Properties
User Steps
Select Option
Use the following User Step to select the option you wish to work with.
Default Option
SET = Report Setup Time. RUN = Report Run Time.
SETRUN = Report Setup & Run Time. Default: Blank
Automates the Select Option user step. When either SET, RUN or SETRUN is chosen, the Select Option screen is automated and by-passed.
Report Setup/Run/Setup & Run Time
Tap on a record from Options List Selection Input to select one.
Report Setup Time enables to report setup time and related data.
Report Run Time enables to report run time and related data.
Report Setup & Run Time enables to report setup, run time and related data.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Click NEXT to continue.
Click MENU to get back to the main menu.
Search Operation
Use the following User Step to search for existing Operation(s) by using high-level searching criteria.
Additional Input Fields
1 = Closed Operation. 2 = Work Center. 3 = Schedule. 4 = Order. Default: 1;2;3;4
Shows additional input fields in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Additional Functions
1 = List. Default: 1
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Default Facility
Any alphanumeric value. Default: MNS150MI.GetUserData.FACI
Auto-populates and defaults Facility value. If the property is left empty, facility via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.
Default Warehouse
Any alphanumeric value. Default: MNS150MI.GetUserData.WHLO
Auto-populates and defaults Warehouse value. If the property is left empty, warehouse via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.
Closed Operation
FALSE = Function is not active/not ticked. TRUE = Function is active/auto-ticked. Default: FALSE
Takes into consideration only operations that are closed (VHWHHS = 90) when a search is triggered.
Automate Search Operation screen
FALSE = User Step it not automated. TRUE = User Step is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Search Operation User Step. Automation works only when all mandatory fields are filled in.
Closed Operation
Work Center
Order Number
Tap on Closed Operation Check Box to fetch only those operations which are closed (VHWHHS = 90).
FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric work center value inside the Work Center Text Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric schedule number value inside the Schedule Text Input.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric order number value inside the Order Text Input.
Click BACK to get back to Select Option User Step.
Click LIST to get to Select List User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Select Operation User Step.
PMS100.Get is used to check the status of Manufacturing Order (if provided). Only MOs which are not completed are acceptable (VHWHST < 90).
EXPORTMI.Select is used to check the status of Manufacturing Order (if not provided). Only MOs which are not completed are acceptable (VHWHST < 90).
MWSLWMMI.LstMOOpe is used to fetch the operations.
All additional input fields from the User Step are used as the API's transaction fields in.
Select List
The following User Step browses after data for the selected input field.
Click on Facility to fetch available facilities.
CRS008MI.ListFacility is used to fetch the data.
Click on a facility to select one and get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click on Warehouse to fetch available warehouses.
MMS005MI.LstWarehouses is used to fetch the data.
Click on a warehouse to select one and get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click on Work Center to fetch available work centers.
PDS010MI.List is used to fetch the data. Selected Facility is used as input.
Click on a work center to select one and get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click on Schedule to fetch available schedule numbers.
MWPMS270MI.LstScheduleNo is used to fetch the data.
Click on a schedule number to select one and get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click on Order to fetch all open Manufacturing Orders (VHWHST < 90).
MWSLWMMI.LstMOOpe is used to fetch the data. Selected Facility and Warehouse are used as input.
Data is aggregated on the order level.
Line(s) represent(s) number of operation(s) per order.
Click on an order to select one and get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Operation User Step.
Select Operation
Use the following User Step to select (an) Operation(s) You would wish to report.
Automate Select Operation screen
FALSE = User Step it not automated. TRUE = User Step is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Select Operation User Step. Automation works only when only one record is available in the list.
Product Number (Product Name)
Order Number / Operation Number
Work Center
Operation / Remaining Setup Time
Operation / Remaining Run Time
Order / Remaining Quantity
Multi Data
List shows the operations with applied filters (if any) from Search Operation User Step.
Different User Step elements have been used to display the data:
Data Grid - for wider screen sizes (Desktop Computers, Tablets, etc.)
Yellow shade of the row indicates the line has been partly reported.
List Multi-Selection Input - for smaller screen sizes (Mobile Phones, Mobile Scanners, etc.)
Yellow dot next to the row indicates the line has been partly reported.
Scan into the Multi Data Text Input to filter the list.
The Text Input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, the Report Setup Time or Report Run Time screen pops up with an identified operation number. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list.
Click BACK to get back to Search Operation User Step.
Click NEXT to get to a next applicable Report User Step.
Report Setup Time User Step, if either Report Setup Time or Report Setup & Run Time has been selected in Select Option User Step.
Report Run Time User Step, if Report Run Time has been selected in Select Option User Step.
Report Setup Time
Use the following User Step to report a Setup Time.
Additional Input Fields
1 = Used Labor Setup Time.
2 = Used Machine Setup Time. 3 = Setup Time Disturbance Default: 1;2;3
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Default Labor Setup Time
Any numeric value. REM = Prompts a remaining Labor Setup Time from selected operation. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Used Lab Setup Time value.
Default Machine Setup Time
Any numeric value. REM = Prompts a remaining Machine Setup Time from selected operation. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Used Mch Setup Time value.
Default Setup Time Disturbance
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Setup Time Disturbance value.
Automate Report Setup Time screen
FALSE = User Step it not automated. TRUE = User Step is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Setup Time User Step.
Selected Operation
Product Number (Product Name)
Order Number / Operation Number
Work Center
Operation / Remaining Setup Time
Operation / Remaining Run Time
Order / Remaining Quantity
Used Lab Setup Time
Used Mch Setup Time
Setup Time Disturbance
Type in/scan the used labour setup time inside the Used Lab Setup Time Numeric Input.
Type in/scan the used machine setup time inside the Used Mch Setup Time Numeric Input.
Tap on Setup Time Disturbance Menu Selection Input to select a disturbance type that occured during the operation setup time reporting.
Blank is assigned as default which can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Disturbance Types list comes from PDS044MI.List.
Click BACK to get back to Select Operation screen.
Click NEXT to get to a next applicable Report User Step.
Report Run Time User Step, if Report Setup & Run Time has been selected in Select Option User Step.
Report Quantity User Step, if Report Run Time has been selected in Select Option User Step.
Report Run Time
Use the following User Step to report a Run Time.
Additional Input Fields
1 = Used Labour Run Time.
2 = Used Machine Run Time. 3 = Run Time Disturbance Default: 1;2;3
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Default Labor Run Time
Any numeric value. REM = Prompts a remaining Labor Run Time from selected operation. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Used Lab Run Time value.
Default Machine Run Time
Any numeric value. REM = Prompts a remaining Machine Run Time from selected operation. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Used Mch Run Time value.
Default Setup Time Disturbance
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Setup Time Disturbance value.
Automate Report Setup Time screen
FALSE = User Step it not automated. TRUE = User Step is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Setup Time User Step.
Selected Operation
Product Number (Product Name)
Order Number / Operation Number
Work Center
Used Setup Time (if used)
Operation / Remaining Run Time
Order / Remaining Quantity
Used Lab Run Time
Used Mch Run Time
Setup Time Disturbance
Type in/scan the used labour setup time inside the Used Lab Run Time Numeric Input.
Type in/scan the used machine setup time inside the Used Mch Run Time Numeric Input.
Tap on Run Time Disturbance Menu Selection Input to select a disturbance type that occured during the operation run time reporting.
Blank is assigned as default which can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Disturbance Types list comes from PDS044MI.List.
Click BACK to get back to Select Operation screen.
Click NEXT to get to a next applicable Report Quantity User Step.
Report Quantity
Use the following User Step to report quantitive data of a selected Operation.
Additional Input Fields
1 = Close Operation.
2 = Unit Of Measure.
3 = Manufactured Quantity.
4 = Scrapped Quantity.
5 = Reject Reason.
6 = Scrap Source Work Center Default: 1;2;3;4;5;6
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Close Operation
FALSE = Function is not active/not ticked. TRUE = Function is active/auto-ticked. Default: FALSE
Closes the distribution order line after the report.
Default Unit Of Measure
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Unit of Measure value. If the property is left empty, units of measure via MMS200MI.GetItmBasic is selected by default.
Default Manufactured Quantity
Any numeric value. REM = Prompts a remaining quantity value from selected order line. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Manufactured Quantity value.
Default Reject Reason
Any Alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Reject Reason value.
Default Scrap Source Work Center
Any Alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Scrap Source Work Center value.
Automate Report Quantity screen
FALSE = User Step it not automated. TRUE = User Step is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Quantity User Step.
Selected Operation
Product Number (Product Name)
Order Number / Operation Number
Work Center
Used Setup Time (if used)
Used Run Time (if used)
Order / Remaining Quantity
Close Operation
Unit of Measure
Manufactured Quantity
Scrapped Quantity
Reject Reason
Scrap Source Work Center
Tap on Close Operation Check Box to flag complete an operation after the report.
FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Tap on Unit of Measure Menu Selection Input to select a unit of measure the manufactured quantity will be reported in.
A default unit of measure comes from MMS200MI.GetItmBasic which can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Alternative units of measure list comes from MMS200MI.LstItmAltUnitMs.
Type in/scan the numeric quantity value inside the Manufactured Quantity Numeric Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the numeric quantity value inside the Scrapped Quantity Numeric Input.
Tap on Reject Reason Menu Selection Input to select a reason the scrapped quantity will be assigned to.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Tap on Scrap Source Work Center Menu Selection Input to select a work center the scrapped quantity will be assigned to.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Click BACK to get back to an applicable Report User Step.
Report Setup Time User Step, if Report Setup Time has been selected in Select Option User Step.
Report Run Time User Step, if either Report Run Time or Report Setup & Run Time has been selected in Select Option User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Report Details User Step.
Report Details
Use the following User Step to report miscellaneous operation data of a selected Operation.
Environment Properties
Additional Input Fields
1 = Rework.
2 = Employee.
3 = Shift.
4 = Deviating Work Center.
5 = Reporting Date.
6 = Reporting Time.
7 = Remark. Default: 1;2;3;4;5;6;7
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
FALSE = Function is not active/not ticked. TRUE = Function is active/auto-ticked. Default: FALSE
Assigns a rework status to a currently selected operation.
Default Employee
Any alphanumeric value. USER = Prompts M3UserId that's used to log in to the application. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Employee value.
Default Shift
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Shift value.
Default Deviating Work Center
Any Alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Deviating Work Center value.
Default Reporting Date
Any Date value. NOW = Prompts a current date. Default: NOW
Auto-populates and defaults Reporting Date value.
Default Reporting Time
Any Time value. NOW = Prompts a current time. Default: NOW
Auto-populates and defaults Reporting Time value.
Screen to display after report
0 = Select Option. 1 = Search Operation. 2 = Select Operation (if nothing is remaining, then it should work as 1). 3 = Same Line (with reduced remaining times and quantity. If nothing is remaining, then it should work as 2). Default: 2
Indicates which screen user should be forwarded to after the operation report. If 2 is used and any filter in Search Operation User Step is applied, the Select Operation list with that filter is reloaded.
Automate Report Details screen
FALSE = User Step it not automated. TRUE = User Step is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Details User Step.
Selected Operation
Product Number (Product Name)
Order Number / Operation Number
Work Center
Used Setup Time (if used)
Used Run Time (if used)
Manufactured / Scrap Quantity (if used)
Deviating Work Center
Reporting Date
Reporting Time
Tap on Rework Check Box to assign a rework status to the selected operation.
FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Tap on Employee Menu Selection Input to select an employee an operation will be reported by.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Employees list comes from CRS530MI.LstEmployee.
Tap on Shift Menu Selection Input to select a shift an operation will be reported by.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Shifts list comes from EXPORTMI.Select.
Tap on Deviating Work Center Menu Selection Input to select a deviating work center an operation will be assigned to.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Deviating Work Centers list comes from PDS010MI.List.
Type in/scan the date value inside the Reporting Date Date Input.
Today's Date is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the time value inside the Reporting Time Time Input.
Current Time is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in a text inside the Remark field.
Click BACK to get back to an Report Quantity User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Confirm User Step.
Use the following User Step to do the final check before reporting the selected operation.
Operation to be reported
Click BACK to get back to Report Details User Step.
Click REPORT to run a selected transaction.
The application comes back with an approve message that the Operation has been reported.
You are redirected to previous User Steps.
Select Operation is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Last updated