Report Material (MO) (Classic)
An overview of a workflow used for issuing material to or reversing material from manufacturing order.
Last updated
An overview of a workflow used for issuing material to or reversing material from manufacturing order.
Last updated
Different Options.
Issue Material - enables to issue material from stock to a opened or closed manufacturing order.
Reverse Material - enables to reverse issued material from a closed manufacturing order.
Report Location/Lot Number/Container/Package
Indicate a correct Balance ID for issuing.
List available inventory to view, select and adjust quantitive data for (a) selected Balance ID(s) records.
Report Quantity/Catch Weight.
Support for Alias Numbers.
Support for Alternative Units of Measure.
Embedded Calculator function.
Adds/removes instantly scanned labels that counts quantities, catch weights, lot numbers and containers. You may edit scanned values.
Automate screens.
By-pass list and report screens to accelerate the process steps.
Preview lines before reporting.
Use the following User Step to select the option you wish to work with.
Default Option
ISSUE = Issue selected Balance ID from the stock. REVERSE = Reverse reported Balance ID into the stock. Default: Blank
Automates the Select Option user step. When either ISSUE or REVERSE is chosen, the Select Option screen is automated and by-passed.
Issue Material/Reverse Material
Tap on a record from Options List Selection Input to select one.
Issue Material allows to identify (a) material line(s) and select (a) Balance ID(s) to issue against.
Reverse Material allows to identify (an) issued material line(s) and select (an) issued Balance ID(s) to retrive it to stock.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Click NEXT to continue.
Click MENU to get back to the main menu.
Use the following User Step to search for existing Material Line(s) by using high-level searching criteria.
Default Facility
Any alphanumeric value. Default: MNS150MI.GetUserData.FACI
Auto-populates and defaults Facility value. If the property is left empty, facility via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.
Default Warehouse
Any alphanumeric value. Default: MNS150MI.GetUserData.WHLO
Auto-populates and defaults Warehouse value. If the property is left empty, warehouse via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.
Additional Input Fields
1 = Closed Material Lines. 2 = Work Center. 3 = Product. 4 = Order. Default: 1;2;3;4
Shows additional input fields in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Additional Functions
1 = List. Default: 1
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Closed Material Lines
FALSE = Function is not active/not ticked. TRUE = Function is active/auto-ticked. Default: FALSE
Takes into consideration only material lines that are closed when a search is triggered.
Automate Search Material Line screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Search Material Line screen. Automation works only when all mandatory fields are filled in.
Closed Material Lines
Work Center
Product Number
Order Number * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Tap on Closed Material Lines Check Box to fetch only those material lines which are closed (WMST = 99).
FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric work center value inside the Work Center Text Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric product number value inside the Product Text Input.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric order number value inside the Order Text Input.
Click BACK to get back to Select Option User Step.
Click LIST to get to Select List User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Select Material Line User Step.
PMS100.Get is used to check the status of Manufacturing Order (if provided). Only MOs which are not completed are acceptable (VHWHST < 90).
EXPORTMI.Select is used to check the status of Manufacturing Order (if not provided). Only MOs which are not completed are acceptable (VHWHST < 90).
MWSLWMMI.LstMOMat is used to fetch the material lines.
All mandatory and additional input fields from the User Step are used as the API's transaction fields in.
The following User Step browses after data for the selected input field.
Lists * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Click on Facility to fetch available facilities.
CRS008MI.ListFacility is used to fetch the data.
Click on a facility to select one and get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click on Warehouse to fetch available warehouses.
MMS005MI.LstWarehouses is used to fetch the data.
Click on a warehouse to select one and get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click on Work Center to fetch available work centers.
PDS010MI.List is used to fetch the data. Selected Facility is used as input.
Click on a work center to select one and get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click on Product to fetch all open Manufacutring Orders (VHWHST < 90).
MWSLWMMI.LstMOMat is used to fetch the data. Selected Facility and Warehouse are used as input.
Data is aggregated on the product level.
Line(s) represent(s) number of material line(s) per product.
Click on a product to select one and get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click on Order to fetch all open Manufacutring Orders (VHWHST < 90).
MWSLWMMI.LstMOMat is used to fetch the data. Selected Facility and Warehouse are used as input.
Data is aggregated on the order level.
Line(s) represent(s) number of material line(s) per order.
Click on an order to select one and get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Use the following User Step to select a Material Line(s) You would wish to issue.
Automate Select Material Line screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Select Material Line screen. Automation works only when only one record is available in the list.
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
Requested / Remaining Quantity
Multi Data
List shows the material lines with applied filters (if any) from Search Material Line User Step.
Different User Step elements have been used to display the data:
Data Grid - for wider screen sizes (Desktop Computers, Tablets, etc.)
Yellow shade of the row indicates the line has been partly issued.
List Multi-Selection Input - for smaller screen sizes (Mobile Phones, Mobile Scanners, etc.)
Yellow dot next to the row indicates the line has been partly issued.
Scan into the Multi Data Text Input to filter the list.
The Text Input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, the Report From Location screen pops up with an identified material line. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list. Example below shows an item number NC-P-BASIC been identified in the scanned string. Only one record with that item number exists in the list and thus a user gets automatically further to Report From Location screen.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Report Location User Step.
Use the following User Step to report a location a Balance ID will be issued from.
Default Location
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Location value.
Additional Functions
1 = Select Balance ID. 2 = Count Default: 1;2
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Trigger Select Balance ID function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Select Balance ID function as soon as Report From Location User Step is entered.
Trigger Count function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Count function as soon as Report From Location User Step is entered.
Automate Report From Location screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report From Location screen. Automation works only when all mandatory fields are filled in.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Location * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Type in/scan the location value inside the Location Text Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Click BACK to get back to Select Material Line screen.
Click LIST to get to Select Balance ID User Step.
Click COUNT to get to Count User Step.
Click NEXT to get to a next applicable Report User Step.
Report Lot User Step is applicable for lot-handled items (MMINDI > 0).
Report Container User Step is applicable for container-handled items (MBCOMG > 0 AND <= 6).
Report Package User Step is applicable for inhouse package-handled items (MBCOMG = 7).
Report Quantity User Step is applicable for all items.
The following User Step lists all available Balance IDs for the selected material line.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data
Balance IDs * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the data, which is sorted according to FIFO logic (MLPRDT). The following data is used as the API's transaction fields in:
Selected Warehouse
Selected Material Number
Selected Location (if filled in)
Scan into the Multi Data Text Input to filter the list.
The Text Input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, user will be forwarded to Report Quantity User Step with an identified Balance ID to be issued for the selected material line. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list.
Select one or many records to issue single or multiple Balance IDs.
Tap on a record to provide the issue qty. Note that a yellow shade will mark the edited record.
Click BACK to get back to Report From Location User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Report Quantity User Step.
The following User Step adds and aggregates the Balance ID data.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Select either Add or Remove Option Button to adjust the behaviour when value is scanned into Mutli Data field.
Scan inside the Multi Data field to instantly retrive or remove the Balance ID(s) to/from the Total list.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
When the scanned record refers to more than one hit, the Select Searched Balance ID User Step pops up. Tap one record to add it to the list.
Click BACK to get back to Report From Location User Step without applying any changes.
Click EDIT to edit the quantitive data of the scanned items.
Tap on a record you wish to change the quantitive data of or delete.
Click NEXT to get back to Report Quantity screen with applied changes.
Use the following User Step to report a lot number (MMINDI > 0) that will be issued.
Additional Functions
1 = Select Balance ID. 2 = Count Default: 1;2
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Trigger Select Balance ID function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Select Balance ID function as soon as Report Lot User Step is entered.
Trigger Count function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Count function as soon as Report Lot User Step is entered.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Lot * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Type in/scan the lot number value inside the Lot Text Input.
Click BACK to get back to Report Location User Step.
Click LIST to get to Select Balance ID User Step.
Click COUNT to get to Count User Step.
Click NEXT to get to a next applicable Report User Step.
Report Container User Step is applicable for container-handled items (MBCOMG > 0 AND <= 6).
Report Package User Step is applicable for inhouse package-handled items (MBCOMG = 7).
Report Quantity User Step is applicable for all items.
The following User Step lists all available Balance IDs for the selected material line.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data
Balance IDs * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the data, which is sorted according to FIFO logic (MLPRDT). The following data is used as the API's transaction fields in:
Selected Warehouse
Selected Material Number
Selected Location
Selected Lot (if filled in)
Scan into the Multi Data Text Input to filter the list.
The Text Input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, user will be forwarded to Report Quantity User Step with an identified Balance ID to be issued for the selected material line. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list.
Select one or many records to issue single or multiple Balance IDs.
Tap on a record to provide the issue qty. Note that a yellow shade will mark the edited record.
Click BACK to get back to Report Lot User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Report Quantity User Step.
The following User Step adds and aggregates the Balance ID data.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Select either Add or Remove Option Button to adjust the behaviour when value is scanned into Mutli Data field.
Scan inside the Multi Data field to instantly retrive or remove the Balance ID(s) to/from the Total list.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
When the scanned record refers to more than one hit, the Select Searched Balance ID User Step pops up. Tap one record to add it to the list.
Click BACK to get back to Report Lot User Step without applying any changes.
Click EDIT to edit the quantitive data of the scanned items.
Click NEXT to get back to Report Quantity User Step with applied changes.
Use the following User Step to report a container number (MBCOMG > 0 AND <= 6) that will be issued.
Additional Functions
1 = Select Balance ID. 2 = Count Default: 1;2
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Trigger Select Balance ID function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Select Balance ID function as soon as Report Container User Step is entered.
Trigger Count function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Count function as soon as Report Container User Step is entered.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Container * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Type in/scan the container number value inside the Container Text Input.
Click BACK to get back to an applicable Report User Step.
Report Location User Step is applicable for all items.
Report Lot User Step is applicable for lot-handled items (MMINDI > 0).
Click LIST to get to Select Balance ID User Step.
Click COUNT to get to Count User Step.
Click NEXT to get to a next applicable Report Quantity User Step.
The following User Step lists all available Balance IDs for the selected material line.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data
Balance IDs * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the data, which is sorted according to FIFO logic (MLPRDT). The following data is used as the API's transaction fields in:
Selected Warehouse
Selected Material Number
Selected Location
Selected Lot (if applicable)
Selected Container (if filled in)
Scan into the Multi Data Text Input to filter the list.
The Text Input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, user will be forwarded to Report Quantity User Step with an identified Balance ID to be issued for the selected material line. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list.
Select one or many records to issue single or multiple Balance IDs.
Tap on a record to provide the issue qty. Note that a yellow shade will mark the edited record.
Click BACK to get back to Report Container User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Report Quantity User Step.
The following User Step adds and aggregates the Balance ID data.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Select either Add or Remove Option Button to adjust the behaviour when value is scanned into Mutli Data field.
Scan inside the Multi Data field to instantly retrive or remove the Balance ID(s) to/from the Total list.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
When the scanned record refers to more than one hit, the Select Searched Balance ID User Step pops up. Tap one record to add it to the list.
Click BACK to get back to Report Container User Step without applying any changes.
Click EDIT to edit the quantitive data of the scanned items.
Click NEXT to get back to Report Quantity User Step with applied changes.
Use the following User Step to report a package number (MBCOMG = 7) that will be issued.
Additional Functions
1 = Select Balance ID. 2 = Count Default: 1;2
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Trigger Select Balance ID function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Select Balance ID function as soon as Report Package User Step is entered.
Trigger Count function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Count function as soon as Report Package User Step is entered.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Package Number
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Container * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Type in/scan the package number value inside the Package Text Input.
Click BACK to get back to an applicable Report User Step.
Report Location User Step is applicable for all items.
Report Lot User Step is applicable for lot-handled items (MMINDI > 0).
Click LIST to get to Select Balance ID User Step.
Click COUNT to get to Count User Step.
Click NEXT to get to a next applicable Report Quantity User Step.
The following User Step lists all available Balance IDs for the selected material line.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Package Number
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data
Balance IDs * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the data, which is sorted according to FIFO logic (MLPRDT). The following data is used as the API's transaction fields in:
Selected Warehouse
Selected Material Number
Lot (if applicable)
Package (if filled in)
Scan into the Multi Data Text Input to filter the list.
The Text Input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, user will be forwarded to Report Quantity User Step with an identified Balance ID to be issued for the selected material line. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list.
Select one or many records to issue single or multiple Balance IDs.
Tap on a record to provide the issue qty. Note that a yellow shade will mark the edited record.
Click BACK to get back to Report Package User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Report Quantity User Step.
The following User Step adds and aggregates the Balance ID data.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Package Number
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Select either Add or Remove Option Button to adjust the behaviour when value is scanned into Mutli Data field.
Scan inside the Multi Data field to instantly retrive or remove the Balance ID(s) to/from the Total list.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
When the scanned record refers to more than one hit, the Select Searched Balance ID User Step pops up. Tap one record to add it to the list.
Click BACK to get back to Report Package User Step without applying any changes.
Click EDIT to edit the quantitive data of the scanned items.
Click NEXT to get back to Report Quantity User Step with applied changes.
Use the following User Step to report quantitive data of (a) selected Balance ID(s).
Close Line
FALSE = Function is not active/not ticked. TRUE = Function is active/auto-ticked. Default: FALSE
Closes the distribution order line after the report.
Default Unit Of Measure
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Unit of Measure value. If the property is left empty, units of measure via MMS200MI.GetItmBasic is selected by default.
Default Catch Weight
Any numeric value. BAL = Prompts a Balance ID On Hand Balance Catch Weight when. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Catch Weight value.
Default Quantity
Any numeric value. BAL = Prompts a Balance ID On Hand Balance Catch Weight when. REM = Prompts a remaining quantity value from selected order line. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Quantity value.
Additional Functions
1 = Select Balance ID. 2 = Count Default: 1;2
Shows additional function buttons in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Trigger Count Function
FALSE = Function is not triggered automatically. TRUE = Function is triggered automatically. Default: FALSE
Triggers automatically Count function as soon as Report Quantity User Step is entered.
Screen to display after report
0 = Select Option. 1 = Search Material Line. 2 = Select Material Line (if nothing is remaining, then it should work as 1). 3 = Same Line (with reduced remaining quantity. If nothing is remaining, then it should work as 2). Default: 2
Indicates which screen user should be forwarded to after the material line report. If 2 is used and any filter in Search Material Line screen is applied, the Select Material Line list with that filter is reloaded.
Automate Report Quantity screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report Quantity screen. Automation takes place only when Quantity and Catch Weight fields are filled in.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Close Line
Unit of Measure
Catch Weight *
Quantity * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Tap on Close Line Check Box to flag complete the line after the issue.
FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Tap on Unit of Measure Menu Selection Input to select a unit of measure the quantity will be issued in.
A default unit of measure comes from MMS200MI.GetItmBasic which can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Alternative units of measure list comes from MMS200MI.LstItmAltUnitMs.
Type in/scan the numeric catch weight value inside the Catch Weight Numeric Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
If Select Balance ID or Count User Steps were used, the aggregated catch weight would override the defaults.
When Multiple Balance IDs have been selected or counted, the catch weight value is displayed as Labelled Static Text.
Type in/scan the numeric catch weight value inside the Quantity Numeric Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
If Select Balance ID or Count User Steps were used, the aggregated quantity would override the defaults.
When Multiple Balance IDs have been selected or counted, the quantity value is displayed as Labelled Static Text.
Click BACK to get back to an applicable Report User Step.
Report From Location User Step is applicable for all items.
Report Lot User Step is applicable for lot-handled items (MMINDI > 0).
Report Container User Step is applicable for container-handled items (MBCOMG > 0 AND <= 6).
Report Package User Step is applicable for inhouse package-handled items (MBCOMG = 7).
Click VIEW to get to View Balance IDs User Step.
Click COUNT to get to Count User Step.
The function is only available when single Balance ID has been selected beforehand.
Click NEXT to get to Confirm User Step.
The following User Step lists all selected Balance IDs for issuing.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Selected Balance ID(s)
Balance IDs List shows selected Balance ID(s) with issued quantitive data.
Click BACK to get back to Report Quantity User Step.
The following User Step adds and aggregates the Balance ID data.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
From Location
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Requested / Remaining Quantity * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Mutli Data * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Select either Add or Remove Option Button to adjust the behaviour when value is scanned into Mutli Data field.
Scan inside the Multi Data field to instantly retrive or remove the Balance ID(s) to/from the Total list.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
The input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the reporting process.
Click BACK to get back to Report Quantity User Step without applying any changes.
Click EDIT to edit the quantitive data of the scanned items.
Click NEXT to get back to Report Quantity User Step with applied changes.
Use the following User Step to do the final check before issuing (a) material line(s).
Material Line(s) to be issued
Click BACK to get back to an applicable Report screen.
Report Quantity User Step when Issue Material Option has been selected.
Report To Location User Step when Reverse Material Option has been selected.
Click ISSUE to run (a) selected transaction(s).
The application comes back with an approve message that the Material Line has been issued.
You are redirected to previous User Steps.
Select Material Line is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Use the following User Step to search for (an) issued Material Line(s) by using high-level searching criteria.
Default Facility
Any alphanumeric value. Default: MNS150MI.GetUserData.FACI
Auto-populates and defaults Facility value. If the property is left empty, facility via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.
Default Warehouse
Any alphanumeric value. Default: MNS150MI.GetUserData.WHLO
Auto-populates and defaults Warehouse value. If the property is left empty, warehouse via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.
Additional Functions
1 = List. Default: 1
Shows additional functions in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Facility *
Warehouse *
Work Center
Product Number
Order Number * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric work center value inside the Work Center Text Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric product number value inside the Product Text Input.
Type in/scan the alphanumeric order number value inside the Order Text Input.
Click BACK to get back to Select Option User Step.
Click LIST to get to Select List User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Select Material Line User Step.
PMS100.Get is used to check the status of Manufacturing Order (if provided). Only MOs which are not completed are acceptable (VHWHST < 90).
EXPORTMI.Select is used to check the status of Manufacturing Order (if not provided). Only MOs which are not completed are acceptable (VHWHST < 90).
MWSLWMMI.LstMOMat is used to fetch the material lines.
All mandatory and additional input fields from the User Step are used as the API's transaction fields in.
The following User Step browses after data for the selected input field.
Lists * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Click on Facility to fetch available facilities.
CRS008MI.ListFacility is used to fetch the data.
Click on a facility to select one and get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click on Warehouse to fetch available warehouses.
MMS005MI.LstWarehouses is used to fetch the data.
Click on a warehouse to select one and get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click on Order to fetch all open Manufacutring Orders (VHWHST < 90).
MWSLWMMI.LstMOMat is used to fetch the data. Selected Facility and Warehouse are used as input.
Data is aggregated on the order level.
Line(s) represent(s) number of material line(s) per order.
Click on an order to select one and get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Use the following User Step to list and select (an) issued Material Line(s) You would wish to reverse.
Additional Functions
1 = Delete. Default: 1
Shows additional functions in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.
Automate Select Material Line screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Select Material Line screen. Automation works only when only one record is available in the list.
Product Number
Order Number
Material Number
Issued Quantity
Issued Catch Weight (if applicable)
Multi Data
List shows the material lines with applied filters (if any) from Search Material Line User Step.
Different User Step elements have been used to display the data:
Data Grid - for wider screen sizes (Desktop Computers, Tablets, etc.)
Yellow shade of the row indicates the line has been partly issued.
List Multi-Selection Input - for smaller screen sizes (Mobile Phones, Mobile Scanners, etc.)
Yellow dot next to the row indicates the line has been partly issued.
Scan into the Multi Data Text Input to filter the list.
The Text Input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, the Select Balance ID screen pops up with an identified material line. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click DELETE to delete all Balance IDs issued for the selected Material Line.
All Balance IDs issued to the selected line(s) will be reversed to the original location it/they were issued from.
Click NEXT to get to Select Balance ID User Step.
Use the following User Step to list and select (an) issued Balance ID(s) You would wish to reverse.
Automate Select Material Line screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Select Material Line screen. Automation works only when only one record is available in the list.
Product Number
Order Number
Material Number
Issued Quantity
Issued Catch Weight (if applicable)
Multi Data
List shows the material lines with applied filters (if any) from Search Material Line User Step.
Different User Step elements have been used to display the data:
Data Grid - for wider screen sizes (Desktop Computers, Tablets, etc.)
Yellow shade of the row indicates the line has been partly issued.
List Multi-Selection Input - for smaller screen sizes (Mobile Phones, Mobile Scanners, etc.)
Yellow dot next to the row indicates the line has been partly issued.
Scan into the Multi Data Text Input to filter the list.
The Text Input field is equipped with embedded translation engine which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, the Select Balance ID screen pops up with an identified material line. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list.
Click BACK to get back to Search Material Line User Step.
Click DELETE to delete all Balance IDs issued for the selected Material Line.
All Balance IDs issued to the selected line(s) will be reversed to the original location it/they were issued from.
Click NEXT to get to Select Balance ID User Step.
Use the following User Step to report a location (a) Balance ID(s) will be reversed to.
Default Location
Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank
Auto-populates and defaults Location value.
Automate Report To Location screen
FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE
Automates/by-passes the Report To Location screen.
Selected Material Line
Product Number
Order Number / Material Sequence Number
Material Number
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container Number or Package Number (if applicable)
Issued Quantity
Issued Catch Weight (if applicable) * *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.
Location * * indicates an input field is mandatory.
Type in/scan the location value inside the Location Text Input.
Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.
Click BACK to get back to Select Issued Balance ID screen.
Click LIST to browse after available location.
Click REVERSE to get to run (a) selected transaction(s).
The application comes back with an approve message that the Material Line has been reversed.
You are redirected to Select Option User Step.