View Stock Details
An overview of a workflow used for displaying stock details of a selected Balance ID.
Search Inventory through high-level search input criteria.
Use List function.
Browse after searched data, like Item Number, Lot Number, etc. to apply a filter before the search.
List searched inventory.
Scan to apply more detailed filter on a fetched list.
Support for Alias Numbers.
View details of a selected Balance ID.
By-pass search and select screens to accelerate the process.
Used APIs
Used Environment Properties
User Steps
Search Balance ID
Use the following User Step to search for an existing Balance ID by using a high-level searching criteria.
Type in/scan the Location inside the Location Text Input.
Type in/scan the Item Number inside the Item Text Input.
Type in/scan the Lot Number inside the Lot Text Input.
Type in/scan the Container/Inhouse Package Number inside the Container Text Input.
Click MENU to get back to the main Menu.
Click LIST to get to Select List User Step.
Click NEXT to get to Select Balance ID User Step.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the Balance ID(s).
All mandatory and additional input fields from that User Step are used as the API's transaction fields in.
Select List
The following User Step browses after data for the input fields in Search Balance ID User Step.
Click on Warehouse to fetch available warehouses.
MMS005MI.LstWarehouses is used to fetch the data.
Click on a warehouse to select one and get back to Search Balance ID User Step with a newly selected warehouse.
Click BACK to get back to Search Balance ID User Step.
Click on Location to fetch all locations in a selected warehouse.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the data. Selected Warehouse and any other, optional input fields are used as input.
Data is aggregated on a location level.
Click on a location to select one and get back to Search Balance ID User Step. The location will be pre-defaulted.
Click BACK to get back to Search Balance ID User Step.
Click on Item to fetch all items in a selected warehouse.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the data. Selected Warehouse and any other, optional input fields are used as input.
Data is aggregated on an item level.
Balance ID(s) represent(s) number of Balance ID(s) per Item.
Click on a location to select one and get back to Search Balance ID User Step. The item will be pre-defaulted.
Click BACK to get back to Search Balance ID User Step.
Click on Lot to fetch all lot numbers in a selected warehouse.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the data. Selected Warehouse and any other, optional input fields are used as input.
Data is aggregated on a lot level.
Balance ID(s) represent(s) number of Balance ID(s) per Lot Number.
Click on a location to select one and get back to Search Balance ID User Step. The lot number will be pre-defaulted.
Click BACK to get back to Search Balance ID User Step.
Click on Container to fetch all containers in a selected warehouse.
MMS060MI.LstBalID is used to fetch the data. Selected Warehouse and any other, optional input fields are used as input.
Data is aggregated on a container level.
Balance ID(s) represent(s) number of Balance ID(s) per Container Number.
Click on a location to select one and get back to Search Balance ID User Step. The container number will be pre-defaulted.
Click BACK to get back to Search Balance ID User Step.
Click BACK to get back to Search Balance ID User Step.
Click CLEAR to clear the already applied values for filtering.
Click NEXT to get back to Select Balance ID User Step with selected input fields.
Select Balance ID
Use the following User Step to choose a Balance ID You would wish to check the details of.
Balance ID(s)
Item Number
Lot Number (if applicable)
Container/Inhouse Package Number (if applicable)
On-hand Balance Quantity (Basic Unit of Measure)
On-hand Catch Weight (Catch Weight Unit of Measure) (if applicable)
List shows the Balance IDs with applied filters (if any) fetched via Search Balance ID User Step.
Scan into the Balance ID(s) List Multi-Selection Input or Data Grid.
The User Step is equipped with embedded translation fragment which retrives multiple values used in the later reporting process.
Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.
When a scanned value refers to an unique record in the list, the following User Step pops up with all identified data. When more than one hit is identified, a filter is applied listing only identified records in the list. An extra scan can be used to fetch a uniqe record from the filtered list. Example below shows an item number NC-P-MLOT&CWT01 been identified in the scanned string. Only records with that item number are shown. If 2404271001 lot number and YGR location were scanned on top of it, only one record would remain in the list and thus would get a user further to View Balance ID User Step.
Tap on a record you would wish to proceed with.
Click BACK to get back to Search Balance ID User Step.
Click NEXT to get to View Balance ID User Step.
EXPORTMI.Select from MITALO is used to fetch the Allocation(s).
If more than one record is selected, allocation for all selected records will be shown.
If Location input field was used as filter in Search Balance ID and Select All was selected, the API is run only once for selected location.
View Balance ID
Use the following User Step to check details of the selected Balance ID.
Item Number
Item Name
Item Type
Item Group
ABC Class
Stock Zone
Lot Number
Lot Reference 1
Lot Reference 2
Container/Inhouse Package Number
Receiving Number
Is Allocatable?
Onhand Quantity
Allocated Quantity
Allocatable Quantity
Movable Quantity
Basic Unit of Measure
Onhand Catch Weight
Catch Weight Unit of Measure
Priority Date
Last Receipt Date
Last Issue Date
Reclassification Date
Last Physical Inventory Date
Is Physical Inventory in Progress?
Physical Inventory Number
List shows stock details of the selected Balance ID.
Click BACK to get back to Select Balance ID User Step.
Click NEXT to get back to the Search Balance ID User Step.
Last updated