Receive Advised Shipment

An overview of a workflow used for receiving delivery and package-based goods of purchase orders.


  • Search Advised Deliveries and/or Packages.

    • Use different searching modes.

      • Detail Search - fetches Packages through label scanning.

      • Bulk Search - fetches Deliveries and Packages through a high-level searching criteria.

    • Use List function.

      • Browse after searched data, like Supplier, Item Number, etc. to apply a filter before the search.

    • Embedded support for Alias Numbers.

  • Use Different report levels.

    • Report Advised shipment on a delivery or package level.

  • Receive Deliverie(s) and Package(s).

    • Use different Related Options.

      • Stage, Receive or Putaway deliveries and packages.

      • Use automatically a fragment of Putaway Purchase Order to putaway items which are not managed as packages in stock -> applicable for no package-based receipts deliveries.

    • Process one or many deliveries and/or packages at the same time.

      • Report Delivery

        • Use View function.

          • Preview all connected packaages at any given time.

      • Report Package

        • Use View function.

          • Preview all connected items to a package at any given time.

      • Report To Location

        • Receive or putaway selected delivery and/or package to a specific location.

          • Embedded support for Alias Numbers.

          • Use List function.

            • Browse after suitable location.

  • Trigger Label Printing

    • Print Putaway Label (MWS450PF) for the putaway packages.

      • Report Printer, Number of Labels, Quantity per Label.

  • Automate screens.

    • By-pass any User Steps to accelerate the process.

Used APIs

Used APIs
  • CRS290MI.LstPrinters

  • MMS005MI.LstWarehouses

  • MMS010MI.ListLocations

  • MMS010MI.GetLocation

  • MNS025MI.LstItem

  • MMS060MI.PrtPutAwayLbl

  • MNS150MI.GetUserData

  • MMS160MI.LstPutAwayLoc

  • EXPORTMI.Select

  • PPS320MI.PutawayPack

  • PPS360MI.LstHeadBySts

  • PPS360MI.LstPackageBySts

  • PPS360MI.LstDetailByPack

  • PPS360MI.StagePackage

  • PPS360MI.ReceiveHead

Used Environment Properties

Used Environment Properties


  • Default Search Mode


  • Default Warehouse

  • Default From Lowest Pack Status

  • Default To Lowest Pack Status

  • Default From Number of Days

  • Default To Number of Days


  • Default Report Level


  • Default Warehouse

  • Default From Lowest Pack Status

  • Default To Lowest Pack Status

  • Default From Number of Days

  • Default To Number of Days

  • Additional Input Fields


  • Automate Select Delivery screen


  • Default Package Level

  • Automate Select Package screen


  • Default Related Option


  • Additional Functions

  • Automate Report Delivery screen


  • Additional Input Fields

  • Additional Functions

  • Print Label

  • Automate Report Package screen


  • Additional Functions

  • Print Label

  • Automate Report Multi Packages screen


  • Additional Functions

  • Default Location

  • Automate Report To Location screen


  • Default Printer

  • Default Number of Labels

  • Default Quantity per Label

  • Automate Report Printing screen


  • Screen to display after report

  • Automate Confirm screen

User Steps

Select Search Mode

Use the following User Step to define the Search Mode you wish to work with.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Default Search Mode


DETAIL = Detail Search mode is activated. BULK = Bulk Search Mode is activated. Default: Blank

Automates the Select Search Mode user step. When either DETAIL or BULK is chosen, the Select Search Mode User Step is automated and by-passed.


  • N/A


  • Search Modes


  • Tap on Search Modes List Selection Input to select a search mode.

    • Detail allows you to identify Order Line(s) by scanning the existing barcodes.

    • Bulk allows you to identify Order Line(s) using searching criteria.

    • Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Click MENU to get back to the main menu.

  • Click NEXT to continue.

Search Package (Detail)

Use the following User Step to indicate packages by scanning them into a list.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Default Warehouse


Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank

Auto-populates and defaults Warehouse value. If the property is left empty, warehouse via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.

Default From Lowest Pack Status

46 = Received. 47 = Notified.

48 = Staged. Default: 46

Defaults the from the lowest pack status value used in package search.

Default To Highest Pack Status

46 = Received. 47 = Notified.

48 = Staged. Default: 48

Defaults the to the highest pack status value used in package search.

Default From Number of Days


Any numeric value. Default: Blank

Defaults the number of days back in time used in package search.

Default To Number of Days

Blank. Any numeric value. Default: Blank

Defaults the number of days forward in time used in package search.


  • Warehouse

  • Delivery (if assigned)

  • Supplier (if assigned)


  • Add/Remove

  • Added Packages


  • EXPORTMI.Select * from PPTRNS is used to fetch all available packages the scanning is done against. Only packages which are pending to be received will be included in the background list (IPPUSL BETWEEN 46 AND 48).

  • Select either Add or Remove in Add/Remove Binary Option Input to adjust the behaviour when value is scanned into Added Packages List Presentation.

  • Scan inside Added Packages List Presenation to instantly retrive or remove the package(s) to/from the list.

    • Refer to Managing Multiple Data Capture section to understand and configure capturing of the barcoded data.

    • When the scanned record refers to more than one hit, the Select Searched Package User Step pops up. Tap one record to add it to the list. Example below shows a package number 312345610511008171 been identified in the scanned string. The string, however, does not provide any information about the delivery number nor has it been selected via LIST option. Thus, the Select Searched Order Line pops up where a correct package has to be chosen.

Select List

Use the following User Step to browse after data which applies a filter in Search Package User Step.


  • N/A


  • Lists


  • Click on Warehouse to fetch available warehouses.

    • MMS005MI.LstWarehouses is used to fetch the data.

    • Click on a warehouse to select one and get back to Search Package User Step.

      • EXPORTMI.Select * from PPTRNS is re-run to fetch a new list with available packages in a selected warehouse.

    • Click BACK to get back to Search Package User Step.

  • Click on Supplier to fetch all suppliers whose orders are pending to be received (IPPUSL BETWEEN 46 AND 48).

    • Data is aggregated on a supplier level.

    • n Package(s) represent(s) number of packages per supplier.

    • Click on a supplier to select one and get back to Search Package User Step.

    • Click BACK to get back to Search Package User Step.

  • Click on Delivery to fetch all deliveries which package(s) are pending to be received (IPPUSL BETWEEN 46 AND 48).

    • Data is aggregated on a delivery level.

    • n Package(s) represent(s) number of packages per delivery.

    • Click on a delivery to select one and get back to Search Package User Step.

    • Click BACK to get back to Search Package User Step.

  • Click BACK to get back to Search Package User Step.

  • Click CLEAR to clear the currenly applied values for filtering.

  • Click NEXT to get back to Search Package User Step with an applied filter in the header.

Select Report Level

Use the following User Step to indicate the level the advised shipment will be processed on.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Default Report Level


DELIVERY = Delivery reporting level is activated. PACKAGE = Package reporting level is activated. Default: Blank

Automates the Select Report Level User Step. When either DELIVERY or PACKAGE is chosen, the Select Report Level User Step is automated and by-passed.


  • N/A


  • Report Levels


  • Tap on Report Levels List Selection Input to select a report level.

    • Delivery sets a process reporting on a delivery level.

    • Package sets a process reporting on a package level.

    • Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Click BACK to get back to Select Search Mode User Step.

  • Click NEXT to get to Search Delivery / Package User Step.

Search Delivery / Package (Bulk)

Use the following User Step to browse after existing deliveries and/or packages by using high-level searching criteria.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Default Warehouse


Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank

Auto-populates and defaults Warehouse value. If the property is left empty, warehouse via MNS150MI.GetUserData is selected by default.

Default From Lowest Pack Status

46 = Received. 47 = Notified.

48 = Staged. Default: 46

Defaults the from the lowest pack status value used in delivery and/or package search.

Default To Highest Pack Status

46 = Received. 47 = Notified.

48 = Staged. Default: 48

Defaults the to the highest pack status value used in delivery and/or package search.

Default From Number of Days


Any numeric value. Default: Blank

Defaults the number of days back in time used in delivery and/or package search.

Default To Number of Days


Any numeric value. Default: Blank

Defaults the number of days forward in time used in delivery and/or package search.

Additional Input Fields

Blank. 1 = From Date. 2 = To Date. 3 = Supplier. 4 = Delivery. 5 = Package. Default: 1;2;3;4;5

Shows additional, no-mandatory input fields in the sequence.


  • Warehouse


  • From Date

  • To Date

  • Supplier

  • Order

  • Delivery

  • Item


  • Tap on From Date date input to set a from-delivery-note-date filter on a list.

    • Blank is set as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Tap on To Date date input to set a to-delivery-note-date filter on a list.

    • Blank is set as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Type in/scan the supplier ID inside the Supplier Text Input.

  • Type in/scan the delivery number inside the Delivery Text Input.

  • Type in/scan the package number inside the Package Text Input.

  • Click BACK to get back to Select Search Mode User Step.

  • Click LIST to get to Select List User Step.

  • Click NEXT to get to the next applicable Select User Step.

    • Select Delivery User Step is applicable when Delivery has been chosen in Select Report Level User Step. PPS360MI.LstHeadBySts is used to fetch all available deliveries. Only deliveries which are pending to be received will be shown (PUSL BETWEEN 46 AND 48).

    • Select Package User Step is applicable when Package has been chosen in Select Report Level User Step. EXPORTMI.Select * from PPTRNS is used to fetch all available packages. Only packages which are pending to be received will be shown (PUSL BETWEEN 46 AND 48).

    • All mandatory and additional input fields from that User Step are used as the API's transaction fields in.

Select List

Use the following User Step to browse after data which applies a filter in Search Package User Step.


  • N/A


  • Lists


  • Click on Warehouse to fetch available warehouses.

  • Click on Supplier to fetch all suppliers whose orders are pending to be received (IPPUSL BETWEEN 46 AND 48).

  • Click on Delivery to fetch all deliveries which package(s) are pending to be received (IPPUSL BETWEEN 46 AND 48).

Select Delivery

Use the following User Step to choose a delivery You would wish to receive.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Automate Select Delivery screen

FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE

Automates/by-passes the Select Delivery User Step. If more than one record is listed, user is forwarded to the following Report User Step with the first record from the top.


  • Delivery(ies)

    • Delivery Number

    • Delivery Date

    • Supplier ID

    • Status

    • Number of pending (not received) packages


  • Delivery(ies)


  • List shows deliveries which are pending to be received.

    • Yellow dot (or shade) of the row indicates a delivery has been partly received.

  • Tap on (a) record(s) you would wish to proceed with. Use Select All Check Box to select all the records.

  • Click BACK to get back to Search Delivery / Package User Step.

  • Click NEXT to get to Report Delivery User Step.

Select Package

Use the following User Step to choose a package You would wish to report.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Automate Select Package screen

FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE

Automates/by-passes the Select Package User Step. If more than one record is listed, user is forwarded to the following Report User Step with the first record from the top.


  • Package(s)

    • Package Number

    • Delivery Number

    • Packaging

    • Delivery Date

    • Status


  • Package(s)


Use the following User Step to choose an action you would wish to perform with selected delivery or package.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Default Related Option


STAGE = Staging related option is activated. RECEIVE = Receiving related option is activated. PUTAWAY = Putaway related option is activated. Default: Blank

Automates the Select Related Option User Step. When either STAGE, PACKAGE or PUTAWAY is chosen, the Select Related Option User Step is automated and by-passed.


  • Selected Package

    • Package Number

    • Delivery

    • Delivery Date

    • Supplier

    • Status *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type has been selected.


  • Related Options

    • Stage

    • Receive

    • Putaway


  • Tap on Related Options List Selection Input to select a related option.

    • Stage gets your delivery or package to a staging status (PUSL/PUST = 48). The option is available only when parameter 22 - Stage package before receipt in a receiving division in CRS780 is activated).

    • Receive performs staging (if applicable) and goods receipt on your selected delivery or package (PUSL/PUST = 50).

    • Putaway performs staging (if applicable), goods receipt and putaway on your selected delivery or package. For no package-based receipts, the Putaway Purchase Order is triggered, where all receiving numbers from your selected deliveries or packages are consolidated into Select Balance ID User Step (that feature is not yet available).

    • Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Click BACK to get back to Select Delivery or Select Package User Steps.

  • Click NEXT to get to the next applicable Report User Step.

Report Delivery

Use the following User Step to report a selected delivery.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Additional Functions


1 = View. Default: 1

Shows additional, no-mandatory input fields in the sequence.

Automate Report Delivery screen

FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE

Automates/by-passes the Report Delivery User Step.


  • Selected Delivery

    • Delivery Number

    • Delivery Date

    • Supplier ID

    • Status

    • Number of pending (not received) packages


  • N/A



Use the following User Step to get an overview of all packages inside the selected delivery to be received.


  • Selected Delivery

    • Delivery Number

    • Delivery Date

    • Supplier ID

    • Status -> Status to be reported

    • Number of pending (not received) packages

    • Packages

      • Package Number

      • Packaging

      • Package Status


  • N/A


Report Package

Use the following User Step to report a selected package.

Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Additional Input Fields

Blank. 1 = Print Label. Default: 1

Shows additional, no-mandatory input fields in the sequence.

Additional Functions


1 = View. Default: 1

Shows additional, no-mandatory functions in the sequence. Available only if multiple items per package content were detected.

Automate Report Package screen

FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE

Automates/by-passes the Report Package User Step.


  • Selected Package

    • Package Number

    • Delivery Number

    • Order Number / Line / Suffix (if single package selected)

    • Item Number (if single package selected)

    • Status -> Status to be reported

    • Received Quantity (Basic Unit of Measure) (applicable only with one item) *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.


  • Print Label (if putaway related option selected and only one item per package content)


  • Tap on Print Label Check Box to trigger the Report Printing User Step after the Report To Location User Step.

    • Putaway Label (MWS450PF) will be printed as an output.

    • FALSE is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Click BACK to get back to Select Package User Step.

  • Click VIEW to get to View User Step.

  • Click NEXT to get to next applicable Report User Step.


Use the following User Step to get an overview of all items inside the selected package to be processed.


  • N/A


  • N/A


  • List shows the selected packages and its content.

  • Click BACK to get back to Report Package User Step.

Report Multi Packages

Use the following User Step to process multiple packages at once.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Additional Functions

Blank. 1 = View. Default: 1

Shows additional, no-mandatory functions in the sequence.

Automate Report Multi Packages screen

FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE

Automates/by-passes the Report Multi Packages User Step.


  • Selected Packages

    • Package Number

    • Delivery Number

    • Delivery Date

    • Supplier

    • Status -> Status to be reported *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.


  • N/A


  • Click BACK to get back to a previous User Step.

  • Click VIEW to get to View User Step.

  • Click NEXT to get to Report To Location User Step.


Use the following User Step to get an overview of all packages selected package to be processed.


  • Selected Packages

    • Package Number

    • Delivery Number

    • Delivery Date

    • Supplier

    • Status

    • Order Number / Order Line

    • Item Number

    • Lot Number (if applicable)

    • Received Quantity (Basic Unit of Measure)


  • N/A


  • List shows all selected packages and their content.

  • Click BACK to get back to Report Package User Step.

Report To Location

Use the following User Step to report a receipt location.

User Step only available when Putaway is selected in Select Related Option User Step.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Default Location

Blank. Any alphanumeric value. *SYS = Location is fetched from the system directed logic available in MMS160. Default: Blank

Auto-populates and defaults Location value.

Automate Report To Location screen

FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE

Automates/by-passes the Report To Location User Step. Automation takes place only when Location field is filled in.


  • Selected Delivery

    • Delivery Number

    • Delivery Date

    • Supplier ID

    • Status

    • Number of pending (not received) packages


  • Selected Package

    • Package Number

    • Delivery Number

    • Order Number / Line / Suffix

    • Item Number

    • Status

    • Received Quantity (Basic Unit of Measure) (applicable only with one item) *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.


  • Location * * indicates an input field is mandatory.


  • Type in/scan the location value inside the Location Text Input.

    • Given location must be of an approved status (DEST = 2).

    • Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Click BACK to get back to Report Quantity User Step.

  • Click LIST to get to Location List User Step.

  • Click VIEW to get to View User Step.

  • Click NEXT to get to a next applicable Report User Step.

Location List

Use the following User Step to browse after available location(s) for a package putaway.


  • N/A


  • Locations


  • MMS010MI.ListLocations is used to fetch the data.

    • Locations with status different than 2 (DEST <> 2) will be excluded.

  • Click on a location to select one and get back to Report To Location User Step.

  • Click BACK to get back to Report To Location User Step.

Report Printing

Use the following User Step to adjust the label printout before putting away a package.


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Additional Input Fields

Blank. 1 = Printer. 2 = Number of Labels. 3 = Quantity per Label. Default: 1;2;3

Shows additional input fields in the sequence. Semi-colon sign (;) is used to separate one from another.

Default Printer

Blank. Any alphanumeric value. Default: Blank

Auto-populates and defaults Printer value.

Default Number of Labels

Blank. Any numeric value. Default: Blank

Auto-populates and defaults Number of Labels value.

Default Quantity per Label

Blank. Any numeric value. Default: Blank

Auto-populates and defaults Quantity per Label value.

Automate Report Printing screen

FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE

Automates/by-passes the Report Printing screen.


  • Selected Delivery

    • Delivery Number

    • Delivery Date

    • Supplier ID

    • Status

    • Number of pending (not received) packages


  • Selected Package

    • Package Number

    • Delivery Number

    • Order Number / Line / Suffix

    • Item Number

    • Status

    • Received Quantity (Basic Unit of Measure) (applicable only with one item) *MULTI indicates that more than one value in the value type is selected.


  • Printer

  • Number of Labels

  • Quantity per Label


  • List of printers is fetched through CRS290MI.LstPrinters.

  • Tap on Printer Menu Selection Input to select a printer.

    • Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Type in/scan the number of labels number inside the Number of Labels Numeric Input.

    • Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Type in/scan the quantity per label number inside the Quantity per Label Numeric Input.

    • Blank is assigned as default and can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

  • Click BACK to get back to a previous Report screen.

  • Click VIEW to get to View User Step.

  • Click NEXT to get to Confirm User Step.


Use the following User Step to do the final check before staging, receiving or putaway a delivery or package(s).


Property NameProperty ValueDetails

Screen to display after report

DETAIL = x;BULK = x. where x can be one of the 3 options: 1 = Select Search Mode. 2 = Search Delivery / Package (DETAIL or BULK). 3 = Select Delivery or Select Package (if nothing is remaining, then it should work as 2). Default: DETAIL = 3;BULK = 3

Indicates which screen user should be forwarded to after a delivery/package report. If 3 is used and any filter in Search Delivery/Package (Bulk) screen is applied, the Select Delivery or Select Package list with that filter is reloaded.

Automate Confirm screen

FALSE = Screen it not automated. TRUE = Screen is automated. Default: FALSE

Automates/by-passes the Confirm User Step.


  • Delivery to be staged/received/putaway or Package(s) to be staged/received/putaway


  • Click BACK to get back to a previous Report User Step.

  • Click STAGE/RECEIVE/PUTAWAY to run (a) selected transaction(s).

    • The application comes back with a success message that the delivery or package(s) has/have been staged/received/putaway.

    • If the Print Label Check Box has been ticked, the application comes back with an additional success message that the Label has printed.

    • You are redirected to Select Delivery or Select Package User Step which is assigned as default but can be changed in the environment properties on a global/user level.

Last updated