
During the development of your apps, you go through several iterations of designing and testing with clients.

To facilitate easy testing and debugging of your application, you utilize the Windows client or Web client in diagnostic mode. This diagnostic mode serves as an analysis tool for your application, allowing users to execute applications, navigate through them, and access real-time information related to variables, inputs, and tasks. This feature greatly aids in identifying and resolving errors and issues.

The client will pause at any step requiring user action, such as a user step. To halt the workflow at other elements, simply add a breakpoint by selecting the element, right-clicking, and choosing 'Add Breakpoint' (F9). These breakpoints can be removed using the same procedure. Additionally, it is possible to eliminate all breakpoints by right-clicking in the design area and selecting 'Delete All Breakpoints'.

How to use the diagnostic mode

To initiate the diagnostic mode, begin by selecting the play button (F12) located on the toolbar in the top right corner.

Upon selection, the application will be automatically saved and launched into diagnostic mode within the Windows client.

Alternatively, if you prefer to use the Web client, hold down the shift key and click on the play button.

The Diagnostic Panel will display all available variables and their respective values and types at the current step. In the Diagnostic Panel, you can:

  • Copy: Right-click in the diagnostic panel to copy the name, value, or as FlowScript.

  • Expand and collapse: Click the button to expand and collapse all the sub-sections in Variables.

  • Export all: Click the Export all icon to obtain in the clipboard the FlowScript code to set up all current variables in a script step (excluding binary variables).

  • Pin variable: Right-click in the diagnostic panel to pin a variable. All pinned variables are visible in the Pinned Variable section.

  • Search: The search box can search for variable names, values, and types.

  • Sort: Click on the column name to sort: Ascending - Descending - Original.

Last updated