Configure REST Connector for IFS Cloud
You should already have the following information with you.
Base URI
well-know configuration endpoint for Open ID
authorization endpoint
token endpoint
Client Id
Client secret (optional)
If not please take a look at the steps IAM Client Registration & Obtaining end-point info from IFS Cloud for detailed instructions.
Configure for interactive authentication
In Flow Connect Hub,
Enter the configuration values as described below
ConfigurationDescriptionAgent Group
Agent group where the connector should be executed
Base URL
Base URI of the IFS Cloud instance
Authentication Type
You can either choose OpenId Authentication or OAuth2-Authorization Code Flow as the Authentication Type.
For OpenId Authentication,
Give a display name
Authorization Endpoint - Add OpenID well-know configuration endpoint URL excluding ".well-known/openid-configuration"
Client ID - IAM client id
Scopes - Keep the default "openid"
Advanced Options
Additionally, you can define advanced options like extra query parameters
For example,
prompt = select_account
will force the user to select an account if the user has multiple accounts authenticated or previously used on the authorization serverKeep the defaults for Validate Endpoints, Validate Issuer Name, Validate Token Issuer Name
Enable Prefill User Email if you want to use the flow user email as the username/email in the IFS Cloud log-in prompt
For OAuth2-Authorization Code Flow,
Give a display name
Authorization Endpoint - Add authorization endpoint
Token Endpoint - Add token endpoint
Client ID - IAM client id
Client Secret - IAM client secret
Scopes - Keep the default "openid"
Advanced Options
Additionally, you can define advanced options like extra query parameters
For example,
prompt = select_account
will force the user to select an account if the user has multiple accounts authenticated or previously used on the authorization serverEnable PKCE
Enable Prefill User Email if you want to use the flow user email as the username/email in the IFS Cloud log-in prompt
Choose Save
Example connector configuration for Open ID
Last updated
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