List presentation

A list presentation control is utilized to display a list without requiring the user to select any record. Therefore, it does not have a "Target Variable" property.

  • Table Variable Select a data source with the data to display in the list.

  • Prompt The label to be displayed at the top of the list.

  • Large Text Enter the text and variables to be displayed in the list (this can be left empty, but note that either large or small text needs to be configured to show something in the list). Use {} to access a list of available variables from the source table.

  • Small Text Enter the text and variables to be displayed in the list (this can be left empty, but note that either large or small text needs to be configured to show something in the list). Use {} to access a list of available variables from the source table.

  • Row Hyperlink Template Enter a variable here to create hyperlinks in the list.

  • Item Style Utilize a case statement to determine the color that the columns should have. Example:

        when Id = '1' then '#15A9E1'
        when Id = '2' then RGB(146,147,149)
        when Id = ‘3' then 'YELLOW'
        else '' 

    Colors: Set the color using the FlowScript RGB function followed by the RGB code or use a HEX code for the color. Additionally, you can use predefined colors from the fixed color palette: GREEN, RED, YELLOW, BLUE, and PURPLE.

  • Group Rows By If the list should be grouped, choose a column from the source table to group the list by. Set to "None" if the list is not to be grouped.

  • Condition To Hide

    Specify the condition that must be fulfilled for the control to be hidden. If left unspecified, the control will remain visible in the user step. Note that when controls are hidden, empty variables will be generated unless default values or pre-defined data exist.

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