The Table Portlet is used to display data in a table format. The portlet can be read-only or editable. Data can be formatted per column as text, number, date, etc. The data can also be grouped and exported to Excel (.xlsx).
General data is required for all portlets, see General.
Advanced settings
Exportable: Enables a button to export the data as a Microsoft Excel file (.xlsx).
Render Value as HTML: If the source data contains HTML tags, the data will be formatted accordingly.
To set up an event, see Events.
To set up a data source, see Data.
Data source columns
Copy from Portlet: Sets the default column size and order. To adjust the column sizes, click and drag the column margins within the portlet until the desired size is achieved. To reorder columns, drag and drop them to new locations within the portlet. Once satisfied with the size and order, click Copy from Portlet to apply the configuration.
Manage: Columns can be configured in both grid view and list view. This view provides a better overview and facilitates quicker configuration when many columns are used.
Click Execute in the data source section to fetch the columns. Each column can be configured with:
display name
column type
If the type is a List of Value, select the component to be used for the list and set the cache level.
sort order
Note that if a column is formatted as a number can still be sorted as a text if the value coming from the database is not a number.
whether the column should be visible
whether the column should be editable
if the text in the column should be wrapped
Wrap Header: Choose whether to wrap header content instead of clipping it when the text does not fit. Note: Column text wrapping is configured individually in the Data Source Column settings.
Primary Key: Assign a unique identifier for each row if the table contains such a column. This allows the table to maintain row selection even after running a workflow or refreshing data. Ensure that the values are unique, as the portal will not verify uniqueness.
Groupable: Decide if the table content should be groupable by users. You can also set a default grouping for the content.
Rows per Page: Set the number of rows displayed on each page and use pagination to navigate to the next page. Note: If the portlet size is smaller than the number of rows to be displayed, a scrollbar will appear.
Copy Cell Sizes: Choose to set the configured font size and row height as default. To configure these settings, use the menu located in the bottom left corner of the table portlet. Once configured, click Copy Cell Sizes to save these settings as the default.
Edit operations connect actions such as creating, updating, and deleting workflows through the portlet. A component is used to perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) actions.
Select Handler: Choose the component to be used for CRUD actions.
Supported Actions: Select the specific CRUD actions to be supported. The Table Portlet supports Create, Update, and Delete actions.
Check Allow Selection of Multiple Rows to enable the selection of more than one row in the table. Use the Shift key to select multiple rows.
Quick action
A Quick Action is a row-specific action available to users by clicking the cogwheel in the first grid column. The row data is sent as input parameters to the connected source and can be utilized in the start step.
Select the source to be executed when the Quick Action is clicked.
Custom button
See Custom button.
Grid Line Style: Select the style of the grid lines. Choose whether to display vertical lines, horizontal lines, both, or none.
To configure portlet title and header stripe, see Style.
Alternate Row Color: This feature sets every other row to a default light gray color to enhance row visualization. You can configure the color by clicking on the color box and selecting a new color.
Row Color Rules: The table rows can have one or more color rules. To add a new rule:
Click New.
Select the colors.
Enter the condition field, operator, and value.
Preview the result or save.
Cell Color Rules: The table cells can also have one or more color rules. To add a new rule:
Click New.
Select the colors.
Enter the condition field, operator, and value.
Preview the result or save.
Last updated