Change log


Fixed in Clients

  • Fixed an issue where barcode scanning events did not read values.

  • Fixed an issue where assertion step messages did not appear when triggered by scanning events.

  • Fixed an issue where uploaded files might be removed when navigating through user steps.

  • Fixed an issue where the "force uppercase" option did not apply to scanned values.

  • Improved error messages for cases when the client version is older than the published applications.


  • Fixed an issue where rows below the calendar control were not rendered properly.


  • Fixed an issue where special scanning characters did not function correctly during scanning.

  • Fixed an issue where the script dialogue did not display correct default values in diagnostic mode.

  • Fixed an issue preventing application startup with optional parameters.


New in Clients

  • Android - added support for Bluetooth Zebra scanners.

  • Made it possible to use the output of an interaction item as an input to the source of Image Selection and File Gallery.

  • Make it possible to start an application with parameters in diagnostic mode.

  • Add refresh button to home view in web and Windows client.

Fixes in Clients

  • Resolve the issue where files used in pinned steps were under some circumstances removed.

  • Resolve the issue where text in coloured Grids would not display properly.

  • Resolve the issue where pinned steps would not be displayed.



The preview version of the Kanban portlet has now been released.



The Portal client has been released as a public Beta.

The portal client is run in the browser and is supported on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers.



  • All clients now support both dark and light themes. Switching between themes is done under Settings. By default, the theme selected on the device is used for mobile clients, and the browser's theme is used for the web client.


  • Resolved issue where pinned steps would overlap diagnostic panel while running diagnostic mode.


New agent version available v1.0.0.144

Potential Breaking Change

  • Changes in how database connectors (IFS 10, Oracle & SQL Server) handle Schema/AppOwner parameters. Previously it was possible in database connectors to use a flow variable as Schema/AppOwner value.

  • Starting from agent version v1.0.0.144 this is no longer possible. You have to define the Schema/AppOwner parameter values in Connector Configuration itself.

  • If any of your apps/components use "flow variable as Schema/AppOwner" syntax in database machine steps, here are the steps you can follow before upgrading the agents to the latest version v1.0.0.144.

    • In the Connector configurations define the value for Schema/AppOwner field for DEV/TEST/PROD environments. You can define the Schema/AppOwner value for IFS 10, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database connectors.

    • Replace {} syntax for Schema/AppOwner in database machine steps with {AppOwner} or {Schema} as shown below.

    • Save the changes in the app/component and finally deploy the changed apps to TEST/PROD as necessary.

New in clients and designer

  • Make it possible to use output of a interaction item as a input to source of List Selection, List Presentation, Menu Selection and Multi List Selection.

  • Make it possible to add images to rows in List Selection and Multi List Selection controls.

  • Make it possible to use binary files (jpeg, png and webp) as sources for images in List Selection, Multi List Selection, Image Selection and Image Viewer.

  • Make it possible to use output for interaction item as a input to the condition to hide property for all controls.

  • Make it possible to access scanner settings on Scanning devices

Fixes in clients

All Clients

  • Fix issue where user were unable to start a recent application under some conditions.

Web & Windows Client

  • Fix blurbs alignment issues.

  • Fix issue where second binary option not being able to be clicked.

  • Fix issue where spinner would be stuck when entering application complete step in diagnostic mode under some circumstances.

  • Fix issue where trace logs from rest connectors was not parsed when a error occurred during execution.

Web & Windows & Android Client

  • Fix issue where detail text was not displayed for selections in multi-list selection

Android Client

  • Fixed issue where image annotation would crash the client when long pressing an image to edit

  • Fixed issue where incorrect control would get focused when entering a user step




  • Account type in the user list shows whether the user signed up with their email or Microsoft Entra ID account. If a user hasn’t signed in for some time (before this feature was added), the account type will be empty until the next time they sign in.

  • “About” screen showing the dates and user information for asset creation, saving, and commits.

  • "About" screen for application packages with creation and last modified details.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed an issue where asset cards remained continuously highlighted when navigating from search results.



  • Added dependent controls feature to list and menu selection controls

Bug fixes


  • Fixed a bug which caused pill to count amount not updating when deleting a sub-task

  • Fixed an issue in the diagnostic mode panel where the scroll didn’t behave as intended

  • Fixed an issue where rest connector trace logs were not parsed correctly

  • Fixed an issue where trace logs were not received on failure


New designer version

  • Fixes an issue that prevented certain historical versions from being opened.


New agent version available v1.0.0.120

  • Bug fix for Microsoft SQL Server Database connector to handle null value as parameter.


New feature

  • Added support for modules in rest connector agents.

  • Added support for DataLogic Scanner.

Web and Windows Client

  • Added FlowScript Evalutor to diagnostic mode

  • Improve look and feel of progress overlay when running application.

  • Make it possible to trace HTTP call in rest connectors.

Bug fixes


  • Fix issue that occurred when last deployed app in package was removed.

  • Fix issue where colouring of Grid was missing.

  • Fix issue where tables from rest connector scripts would not work in Grid.

Web / Windows Client

  • Fix issue in list control where header line were cut-off.

  • Fix issue of translation not applying directly in home view


  • Fix issue where clicking on column header in grid would scroll

  • Fix issue where application package list would be stuck in the middle of the screen.

  • Fix issue where reload in app package would not reload the apps.


  • Fix issue where user would be stuck in a loading state when searching apps in packages.


New agent version available v1.0.0.92

  • Added Oracle connector, which supports version 12c and higher versions.

  • Enabled FlowScript module execution using the REST connector.

  • REST trace is enabled for the server side execution.

FlowScript modules on REST connector are dependent on Flow Designer changes. Make sure you upgrade your agents to v1.0.0.92 before upgrading to Designer v1.0.0.78 or later.



  • When an item in the Application Library is accessed from the Hub, a popup notification informs users that they need to install the Designer to open application items. The notification can be hidden by checking "Don't show again".

  • Introducing a new, more compact design for the context menu in Hub, with menu items now consistently named and ordered for improved usability.




Agent Manager version - v1.0.0.184

  • Oracle database connector for Flow Connect - The Oracle Connector can be used to integrate with Oracle databases with version 12c and upwards.


New feature

  • A new, easy-to-configure HTTP request step is now available in Flow Designer.

  • The import wizard can now import machine workflows from Flow Classic as components in Connect.

  • Images editing when uploading images or taking photos. Available in Android, iOS and Web clients.

Bug fixes


  • List selection group headers now wrap over two lines.

  • In Production, the environment type will not show, only the organisation name will be displayed.

  • Added functionality so that clicking the organization logo navigates to the home view.

  • Search now ranks results based on their relevance to the query. When searching within an application package, items within that package will take precedence.

  • Corrected issue so icons for sub-tasks now display in the header.

  • Corrected issue so reauthentication will no longer get stuck in an endless loop.


  • Search now ranks results based on their relevance to the query. When searching within an application package, items within that package will take precedence.

  • In Production, the environment type will not show, only the organisation name will be displayed

  • List selection group headers now wrap over two lines.

  • Fixed an issue where grids would not respect the break mode.

  • Fixed an issue where pinned steps would disappear when rotating the iPad.


  • Search now ranks results based on their relevance to the query. When searching within an application package, items within that package will take precedence.

  • In Production, the environment type will not show, only the organisation name will be displayed

  • Fixed an issue where Bluetooth devices would not connect due to permission issues.




  • Reset the password for local member accounts. The login screen for email accounts contains a ‘Forgot password’ link that initiates the reset password process.


New feature

Windows client

  • Added the ability to resize the Diagnostic panel to allow for a more optimized work area.

Bug fixes

Android client

  • Added a delete row dialogue when pressing back.

  • When searching, applications will now display the application package title instead of the description.

  • Fixed an issue where Zebra scanners would not work.

  • Fixed an issue where the sign-out dialogue would not sign out.

  • Fixed an issue where favorited application’s title would not display entire letters if cut off.

  • Fixed an issue where the delete button would not be displayed in sub-tasks.

  • Fixed an issue where the inbox would not display a warning in certain cases.

iOS client

  • Added pills in subtask inline header view.

  • Corrected Search so empty application packages do not show in the search result.

  • Added confirmation dialogue for signing out.

  • Fixed issue where invalid input fields were cleared when rotating the device.

  • Fixed an issue where accent icons would be blurry.

  • Fixed an issue where the inbox would not display a warning in certain cases.

Web client

  • Corrected Search so empty application packages do not show in the search result.

  • Updateed the text in the new version of the client is available pop-up to say “Flow Connect” instead of “Application”.

  • Fixed an issue where the Windows Client would not respect upper case.

  • Fixed an issue where the calendar would shift by 1 day when reloading.

  • Fixed an issue where the inbox would not display a warning in certain cases.

  • Fixed an issue where sub-task icons were incorrectly coloured.

  • Fixed an issue where the file gallery icon would overlap the text on certain screen sizes.



Added to the Diagnostic panel:

  • the possibility to see UTF-8 characters below 127 as abbreviations or symbols in the variable section

  • added sorting by time for log tracing

Bug fixes

Client: Web/Windows client

  • Fixed the total number of items displayed when searching in a list selection control.

  • Fixed issue with list selection default selection still being highlighted when the user selects another value.

  • Fixed issue with sub-task icons.

  • Fixed checkboxes not being correctly colored and resized in the data grid control.

  • Updated the UI for Application and Inbox cards



Added a Trace Tab in the Diagnostic Panel to enable developers to trace events during a diagnostic run. Users can now generate logs for the following events:

  • Entering and Exiting Steps.

  • HTTP Calls from the HTTP module in Flowscript.



Client: Web/Windows client

Make it possible to pin variables over multiple application runs. A pinned variable will remain pinned until the user signs out, switches environments or unpin the variable.

Bug fixes

Client: Web/Windows client

Fix the issue where the diagnostic panel didn't refresh when entering or exiting sub-workflows. Fix the issue where selection did not persist on the scroll in the diagnostic panel. Fix the issue where switch environment was not highlighted properly.



Client: Windows client

Support has been added for the Signature control.

Input data entered when running a component in diagnostic mode is now stored in the session. This means that if the same component is run multiple times, the input data only needs to be entered once. If the input parameters are changed, click Reset to fetch the input parameters anew. Note that the input data is cleared upon resetting.



Client: Web/Windows client

In diagnostic mode, it is now possible to pin variables, copy values, and export all. The search functionality has been improved to display all variables in the search results, and a collapse and expand button has been added for improved user-friendliness.


FlowScript Modules released

Enhance your development process with FlowScript modules, designed to facilitate the sharing of functions and types across all applications in a package or in your organization.

Read more about how to create and manage modules here and new FlowScript features related to modules in the reference.



Agent Manager version - v1.0.0.163

  • The default value for no of days we keep the agent logs has been reduced to 7 days from 60 days. This is only applicable for new agent installations. If you like to change the default value for existing agents follow the steps described here.



Client: Web

  • Added toggling between home and settings/info views

Client: iOS

  • Fixed an issue where uploaded images to the file gallery caused images to become black



Client: Android, iOS, Web, Windows

  • Added contextual menu to inboxes


Bug fixes

Client: Android, iOS, Web, Windows

  • Fixed issue with caching variables in grids



Connector agent - v1.0.0.59

  • Multiple bug fixes for IFS 10 Database connector




  • New Hub home page.

  • Web Client link in the hub menu.

  • Delete Organization components.

Bug fixes

  • "Recently opened" section on home page also includes Organization components.

  • Error message when trying to create a new connector configuration if there are no agents.




  • New Sign In and Sign Up pages.

  • Separate user journeys for signing in and signing up.

  • Select account when user is logged in to more than one.

Bug fixes

  • Prevent invited users to sign in before signing up.

  • Deep links in Hub.




  • Re-invite users. Send invitation email again for users in status 'Pending'.

Windows Designer (version

  • Welcome page if opened without apps or components.

  • Navigator is back!

  • Option for downloading Diagnostic client if it's not installed.


  • New FlowScript functions in Seq module. Added takeWhile, skipWhile, orderBy, groupBy, orderByDescending and indexed. Read more in FlowScript documentation.

Bug fixes

  • Support for transparent backgrounds for Organization logos.

  • Performance improvements for showing component dependencies in Hub.

  • Huge FlowScript performance improvement for auto complete.




  • Connector configuration dependent fields - For Authentication Type in the REST connector configuration, the UI will now dynamically show the inputs depending on the selected type.

Windows Designer

  • Local auto save in Windows Designer. If the Designer quits unexpectedly you will be prompted to restore unsaved changes if there are no conflicts.

  • FlowScript Playground improvements - Save result as a variable and copy result type.

Bug fixes

  • Test and Prod environments not visible in variables page for users without end user permissions.

  • Error in Windows Designer when opening an app from version history.

  • Direct links to a page in Hub do not work.



  • Multi tenant login supported. Customers using Microsoft Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) will be able to sign in and sign up using the single Microsoft Account button.

Bug fixes

  • Errors in Connector Configuration screen will be shown in Hub




  • Tagging System for Organization and App Package Components

  • Filter Components by Tags and Text

  • Show Connector Agents for Agent Group

  • New Application Cards UI

Last updated