Portlet actions
In the portlet header, there are action buttons. Note that design-related actions are only available in the DEV environment, while other actions may be specific to the portlet.
Edit: Click to access the configuration settings for the portal.
Clear Filters: This option is visible when the portlet is filtered. Click the icon to remove the filter.
Refresh: Use this option to refresh the data in the portlet.
Clear User Settings: Use this to clear all user settings and revert to the default settings for the portlet.
Delete: Use this option to delete the portlet.
Copy: Click to copy a portlet; this action adds it to the Copy clipboard.
Cut: Click to move a portlet; this action adds it to the Cut clipboard.
Export to XLS: Click to export the portlet data to Excel.
Expand: Expands the portlets to full-screen view. When in full-screen view, this option will change to Collapse.
Paste: Use this option to paste a portlet into an existing container or to create a new container.
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