
What is FlowScript?

FlowScript is the base language of the Flow Connect platform. It is used to define the logic of your applications, manipulate data, work with HTTP-based services, and more.

The following pages define what FlowScript is and how to use it. The reader is assumed to have had some previous encounter with the fundamentals of programming.

Advanced: FlowScript overview for the working programmer

If you are already familiar with several other programming languages, the following high-level description of FlowScript may give you a head start:

  • FlowScript is an interpreted multi-paradigm language.

  • Data types include numbers, texts, booleans, records and sequences.

  • The language is structurally typed, with width subtyping of records.

  • Primitive values have some support for gradual typing (using the primitive type)

  • All data types are immutable.

  • Sequences are lazily evaluated.

  • Functions are first-class values.


While reading through this documentation, you may find it useful to try things yourself in the FlowScript Playground, which is included in the Flow Designer.

To access the FlowScript playground, launch the Flow Designer, open the Tools menu and click on the FlowScript Playground menu item. This opens a window containing an empty code editor.

If you want to try something immediately, copy the following block of code into the FlowScript playground:

let x = 1;
let y = 2;

return x + y;

Then, click on the Run button in the top right corner of the window (or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Return). You should see the resulting value 3 in the lower half of the window.

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